car question - adjustor seems to have underestimated damage?

Who does the full inspection afterwards then? Surely not the garage that just repaired it?

Take it to another shop? We don't know many repair shops so we don't have a 'trusted' shop.
My father in laws car was rear ended, he went through three transmissions before finally selling it....

****** deal, but it depends on the car and the tranny...all I've replaced since the accident were light bulbs and a clutch (which was my fault).

Please understand that regardless of whether you go to the insurance recommended shop or your own shop the insurance company authorizes either repair. With recommended shops the estimates are done by the shop it self and approved by an inhouse appraiser, your own shops the estimates are completed by a road appraiser that goes out to the shop. By going to a dealership does not mean you will get OEM parts. Most insurance companies provide same Like Kind and Quality parts. With any repairs things can be missed. I sincerely doubt the company "cheaped out" on your rims, quite possibly could have been an oversight.

1) I don't think I ever said Insurance doesn't authorize the repair...
2) Correct. Re: who does the estimate
3) What insurance companies are providing "like kind" parts? I've never heard of that happening through a dealer repair, but then again I was involved in almost every aspect of my claim and made sure everything was OEM.
4) The shop had documentation that they had determined them dangerous to leave on the car, the adjuster did not authorise them to be replaced citing the price. I almost took my company to court over it, but settled after speaking to the ombudsman. I'm not allowed to discuss the dollar amount settlement, but I can say part of it was having brand new BBS (what were on already) wheels sent next-day to the shop with brand new rubber.

Who does the full inspection afterwards then? Surely not the garage that just repaired it?

Take it to another shop? We don't know many repair shops so we don't have a 'trusted' shop.

Of course not. That might be an issue then. I don't know what to tell you, try to find a reputable shop that's known for honesty.
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Unless your car is brand new, most insurance co's will request the b/shop use capa parts.
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