Car ownership trend in richmond hill


Well-known member
I've been living in Richmond hill for 6 months now and noticed the following trends in car ownership:

Persian people always driving a mercedes
Chinese family - Lexus RX 350 SUV
White people - Audi

Seeing a lot more persian families with Porshe Cayenne SUV.

I'm actually astonished by so many of these luxury cars here. I see a lot of these cars parked in town houses. It's not just a few that I see, but almost 30-50 in my commute every day. Have luxury becomes cheap and common or too many people with too much income???

Before I used to get excited by seeing a Porshe or audi r8, but now it's like meh.

Edit: these people can't drive for ****.
i read a report a while back that the gta population has a very high concentration of leased or financed vehicles.

On an added note, Chinese ppl in rh/markham tend to drive any of the big three luxury makes (bmw, benz, audi), followed by anything japanese (lexus, acura, honda, nissan, toyota, mazda).

On a side note, I once thought it was difficult to buy a house (get a mortgage). It really isn't. Even here in Canada.

Looking rich isn't too difficult nowadays.
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Edit: these people can't drive for ****.

I dated someone who claimed that since she was a really bad driver only a larger model Mercedes could solve that problem (the B and E were entry level and thus not safe).The GLK was the obvious solution because it is bigger than a car. She said her parents told her that. I met her mother, who confirmed that Audi R or S series 6 and up could also solve the problem of poor driving skills. A class were for poor people, and thus not safe.
I dated someone who claimed that since she was a really bad driver only a larger model Mercedes could solve that problem (the B and E were entry level and thus not safe).The GLK was the obvious solution because it is bigger than a car. She said her parents told her that. I met her mother, who confirmed that Audi R or S series 6 and up could also solve the problem of poor driving skills. A class were for poor people, and thus not safe.


most asian girls i know like driving big suvs due to the perceived idea of having a higher vantage pt which makes them feel safer or something. Or the idea of being able to run over other cars.
I've been living in Richmond hill for 6 months now and noticed the following trends in car ownership:

Persian people always driving a mercedes
Chinese family - Lexus RX 350 SUV
White people - Audi

Seeing a lot more persian families with Porshe Cayenne SUV.

I'm actually astonished by so many of these luxury cars here. I see a lot of these cars parked in town houses. It's not just a few that I see, but almost 30-50 in my commute every day. Have luxury becomes cheap and common or too many people with too much income???

Before I used to get excited by seeing a Porshe or audi r8, but now it's like meh.

Edit: these people can't drive for ****.

Its called people living beyond their means. All racked up in credit debt and using the equity in their homes like an ATM machine. I deal with mortgage applications on a daily basis, and it's astonishing on how much debt some people have. All to have that image and 'keeping up with the jones' mentality. Bankruptcy is just around the corner for those types. Meh... At least they got to taste driving what they think is a classy car.
Its called people living beyond their means. All racked up in credit debt and using the equity in their homes like an ATM machine.

Are they still doing that? I thought that went out of vogue a while back. I know so many poor people (with and without futures) yet you look around, you see so much wealth.
I recently had an argument with someone close to me. The topic was regarding a car reflecting your financial/wealth status. It was discussting for me to hear but the person strongly insisted on spending more money on a vehicle than a home. I personally argued that I rather invest into living in a detached house but driving something basic and used car than live in a semi detached with ****** neighbours but driving a high-end vehicles. Anyone agree? or vehicle comfort is priority nowadays ?
I dated someone who claimed that since she was a really bad driver only a larger model Mercedes could solve that problem (the B and E were entry level and thus not safe).The GLK was the obvious solution because it is bigger than a car. She said her parents told her that. I met her mother, who confirmed that Audi R or S series 6 and up could also solve the problem of poor driving skills. A class were for poor people, and thus not safe.

Wow. The self-righteous are appropriating the earth from the meek.
I recently had an argument with someone close to me. The topic was regarding a car reflecting your financial/wealth status. It was discussting for me to hear but the person strongly insisted on spending more money on a vehicle than a home. I personally argued that I rather invest into living in a detached house but driving something basic and used car than live in a semi detached with ****** neighbours but driving a high-end vehicles. Anyone agree? or vehicle comfort is priority nowadays ?

It depends. I would expect folks in their early twenties to be more concerned with self-image. Heck, I've just turned 30 myself and self-image is as important now as it ever was. How much is enough is always dependent on the person though, and is relative. When you go out and meet people, what's the first thing they see? Your looks, clothes, how you speak and carry yourself, then your car, then maybe your house. People like owning nice things and wearing nice things, and being noticed for that.

The funny thing is that if you rely on a car to differentiate yourself, then the people you are attracting are likely very shallow. Up until recently, I had been driving a 1997 toyota camry. No guy nor girl that was of significance to me had ever judged me for driving that car.
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People like owning nice things and wearing nice things, and being noticed for that.
As a substitute for actually having character, or getting involved with their neighbours, yeah.
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Living in Richmond Hill, the family living across the street from me with a bmw 328i had their car repo'ed twice which I watched as it was happening when I was working on my bike. I don't know if it ever happened when I wasn't there to see it, but they obviously can't afford the car if it keeps getting repo'ed. Their other car is some old oldsmobile.

If it matters... Italian family.
I've lived downtown for 23 years and luxury cars do nothing for people living here. They either don't drive and don't care about having a car or drive something modest that won't attract thieves. Nearly all my neighbours own houses in the $500.00 - $1,000,000 yet they drive the usual low to mid level Hondas, Fords, Toyotas, Chevys etc.
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i read a report a while back that the gta population has a very high concentration of leased or financed vehicles.

On an added note, Chinese ppl in rh/markham tend to drive any of the big three luxury makes (bmw, benz, audi), followed by anything japanese (lexus, acura, honda, nissan, toyota, mazda).

On a side note, I once thought it was difficult to buy a house (get a mortgage). It really isn't. Even here in Canada.

Looking rich isn't too difficult nowadays.

You took the words outta my mouth.
I knew this will turn into a rich/poor argument.

If you have a mortgage you have debt. Until you have 100% equity in your home, you are not a homeowner. You just have custody of that
I knew this will turn into a rich/poor argument.

If you have a mortgage you have debt. Until you have 100% equity in your home, you are not a homeowner. You just have custody of that

You're supposed to live every day to the fullest as if it's your last. How you going to do that in a sensible car? Do you see "beg borrow steal Corolla" on anybody's bucket list? Get with the program.
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