Car drive / ride saturday


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I know there are some car guys on here...
I'm going for a drive in the LP640 with other cars this Saturday. Leaving greenlane and woodbine in Newmarket at the old machine racing parking lot at 930am
Roads will be as twisty as possible , pace will be fun without losing your licence.
Lunch is on me at urban pantry in uxbridge (great place)whether 1 car or 100 cars show up.
Gonna be out about 5 hours including lunch.
Any and all cars welcome
Bring your minivan if you want.
Show up punch me in the face , kick me in the nuts and just leave if you want.
Caitlyn Jenner will not be there in his GT3RS
or show up on your bike and follow the cars .
Saw that Machine racing is closing, end of an era.

That sucks, they had some great mechanics, and they sponsored a lot of dirt bike stuff in Ontario.
They will be missed by the two wheel off road community.
I know there are some car guys on here...
I'm going for a drive in the LP640 with other cars this Saturday. Leaving greenlane and woodbine in Newmarket at the old machine racing parking lot at 930am
Roads will be as twisty as possible , pace will be fun without losing your licence.
Lunch is on me at urban pantry in uxbridge (great place)whether 1 car or 100 cars show up.
Gonna be out about 5 hours including lunch.
Any and all cars welcome
Bring your minivan if you want.
Show up punch me in the face , kick me in the nuts and just leave if you want.
Caitlyn Jenner will not be there in his GT3RS
or show up on your bike and follow the cars .
I actually drive a minivan. OK to bring a half dozen freeloaders along? :p
I know there are some car guys on here...
I'm going for a drive in the LP640 with other cars this Saturday. Leaving greenlane and woodbine in Newmarket at the old machine racing parking lot at 930am
Roads will be as twisty as possible , pace will be fun without losing your licence.
Lunch is on me at urban pantry in uxbridge (great place)whether 1 car or 100 cars show up.
Gonna be out about 5 hours including lunch.
Any and all cars welcome
Bring your minivan if you want.
Show up punch me in the face , kick me in the nuts and just leave if you want.
Caitlyn Jenner will not be there in his GT3RS
or show up on your bike and follow the cars .

Just out of curiosity, do you know what other cars will be there? Are they all same caliber/comparable to the bull?

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Just out of curiosity, do you know what other cars will be there? Are they all same caliber/comparable to the bull?

"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"

Im gonna be surprised as much as anyone. No idea. Don't care. Drive anything you want
Sounds fun. But who gets up before noon on a Saturday? Nevermind getting to Markham!

Sounds fun. But who gets up before noon on a Saturday? Nevermind getting to Markham!


its ok I understand the 944 won't be able to make the whole drive. Don't be embarrassed, I know some good tow trucks don't worry
The problem is that early I'll likely still be hammered.

I also might be going to Burlington with the 944 to show Weather Tech what is wrong with their mats. Or possibly going to Guelph area to get my Outlander from my mechanic. The 944 is actually the most reliable vehicle I've owned. It's only left me stranded once and that was just a loose hose clamp I didn't take the time to look for before towing it. I drove it to Indianapolis and back once. Last work trip I had the option of flying or taking a company vehicle to North Bay but I chose to drive the 944. Probably shouldn't have since it hadn't had an oil change in 2 years but I wanted to try the A/C (which still works). Would've taken the RS125 but it was still being rebuilt from the last time I tried to take it to North Bay, haha.

Amazingly, I've also never gotten stuck in the 944 despite driving it through a backyard with a foot of snow in it, solid ice covered roads with bald all seasons (stopping was interesting), a mud filled field SUVs were getting stuck in, and once accidentally went through a section of closed road where they had torn the road out down to dirt (I'm still not actually sure how I got in and out of it around the pylons, at speed, without hitting any, while going sideways).
oh man, hope I can get off work. I'd love to take my TL for a twisty ride, its an 06 but a stick shift so its a lot more fun and I looking to burn some rubber before I put winters tires on.

Chasing your Lambo in a TL will be like the Panigale/250 all over again :)

How long will you be out for? Just in case I have to be at work in the afternoon...
@sonnythebull I wish I could make it, but alas, I'm working. Plus I wouldn't want to have to fight @inreb for shotgun in the Lambo. No homo.

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