Can't fix stupid 2: Stupid and Stupiderer


This is painful to watch. How are these people capable of tying their shoes let alone running the country?

She has a great future in soccer.

Thanks for the clip. What I heard on the radio made me think there was a punch up.

If anyone thinks that's assault they've never seen black Friday at the mall.

Re the shoes being tied. If they leave them untied it's faster if they want to throw them at each other.

If they put as much energy into running the country as they do in dramatizing petty actions we'd be in great shape.
Lol.It gets rougher in the lineup at a Mennonite bakery when they bring out the sweets.
This is the culture of professional victimhood at play.
Sorry, is there some special fairy dust preventing him from walking around the desk?
Either of them, in fact.

Edit: Oh look, an open aisle, and one that's really crowded. Let me just take this one, because it's my special aisle.
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This is the culture of professional victimhood at play.

But why is the Tory whip playing the victim for the Prime Minister, or was there a typo in the video?

Oh save me, save me. I cannot get by this crowd, and it is just too too far, to go all the way around that desk. Save meeeeeee!
What a flicking embarrassment, all parties involved acted a fool.
I can't be the only one who's picked up the false outrage generator that is Mulcair? These people are all scum for toying with reality in this way on a daily basis. Dark days when greenie weenie is the only voice of reason.
I watched the Trudeau vs Patrick Brazeau fight a few years back, much as the girls took an elbow or two I think if he wanted to swing on them he could deliver a punch. Like Odor laying out Bautista the other night . enough with a pushing fight and chest bumping, just punch 'em in the face and move on.
I've seen girl guides wrestle over S'mores with more enthusiasm.
Embarrassing. Childhood, playground behavior. Any good jobs overseas? I'm a proud Canadian, but it's getting to be too much to admit we're lead by these knuckleheads.
Looks like a playground for 10yr olds
Such politicians.

Would have been better if she dropped to the floor writing in pan and a guy with a bucket and sponge came running on to the floor to attend to her.
What am I missing? Was the guy stuck or being blocked on purpose? Looks like if he just went around the left he could have gotten to where he was going... Watched it without sound here at work so probably missing something. Not sure what the hub bub is about.
What am I missing? Was the guy stuck or being blocked on purpose? Looks like if he just went around the left he could have gotten to where he was going... Watched it without sound here at work so probably missing something. Not sure what the hub bub is about.
No point in dragging logic and reason into politics.
Just a distraction from the legislation he's passing.
Embarrassing. Childhood, playground behavior. Any good jobs overseas? I'm a proud Canadian, but it's getting to be too much to admit we're lead by these knuckleheads.
Really? lol - I am sure they are hiring somewhere in the US.

Even worse than the over exaggerated situation is the fact that people in this thread think this is such a big deal - Some of you guys/girls need to watch some international news and I am not just talking about CNN
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