Canadain Tire Air Compressors


Well-known member
They're giving them away these days. $199 for an 11 gallon air compressor! Is there a reason for this? Are they junk? Has anyone had any direct experience with these "oil free" compressors?

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I've got one. I've had it for about a 2 years now, so far still works well.

The only complaint I have is the pressure release valve seizing after a winter of not being used. Easy fix though - wd40 and a wrench :D

*Edit: and the stock hose that came with it was junk - so I bought a new one to use and no issues, compressor itself is great
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Did you drain the tank ?

When you compresses air that's humid it freezes .
They are the Suzuki of air compressors cheap and do the job, just not the most reliable or quiet.
all depends what your using it for, if your buying it for hobby use your probably ok, serious use probably not, someone told me that the oil less compressors are good for 100hrs run time then then they r scrap.... remember the catch phrase " pay me now or pay me later". I have a large one and a small one for the nail guns.... both have oil... no problems and I have had them for yrs.
all depends what your using it for, if your buying it for hobby use your probably ok, serious use probably not, someone told me that the oil less compressors are good for 100hrs run time then then they r scrap.... remember the catch phrase " pay me now or pay me later". I have a large one and a small one for the nail guns.... both have oil... no problems and I have had them for yrs.

The right oilless compressor can last (eg. Rolair). I have no personal information on CT compressors.
they are loud and use high rpm to replace cylinder capacity. Its ok for home shop use. Dust is the enemy of oil less compressors, keep the environment the compressor sits in as clean as possible.
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