Canada to help bomb ISIS

Saudi Arabia has beheaded 19, i think, since ISIS started but nobody is going to do anything about that because it's their own citizens... and oh yeah, they sell us oil.

Makes you feel a little queasy doesn't need. Self defense? Good luck without a weapon.

Canadian authorities overheard plans for ‘potential ISIS-inspired knife-and-gun attacks’: NBC

Dylan Robertson, Postmedia News | October 8, 2014 | Last Updated: Oct 8 9:41 PM ET

OTTAWA — The RCMP is investigating 63 national security cases linked to terrorism and involving 90 suspects, Canada’s top security officials said Wednesday, even as a U.S. television network reported Islamist extremists are plotting violence in Canada.

As federal officials touted national agencies’ success in stopping terrorist acts at an Ottawa committee hearing, NBC News published a report saying that U.S. intelligence officials are tracking ISIS imitators in Canada targetting the U.S. embassy in Ottawa and an unspecified shopping mall.

NBC later amended its story, removing references to specific targets and methods, and describing the attacks as being in an ‘‘aspirational’’ stage.

‘‘Intelligence officials tell NBC News that Canadian authorities have heard would-be terrorists discussing potential ISIS-inspired ‘knife and gun’ attacks against U.S. and Canadian targets inside Canada,’’ the network reported.

‘‘Both U.S. and Canadian officials fear the beheading of an innocent person in a public place, or the slashing of citizens on a crowded street until police arrive to shoot and ‘martyr’ the terrorists.

‘‘Canadian officials are weighing increased security around public buildings in coming days, government officials there say.’’

A spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office declined comment on the news report, referring queries to the public safety minister. Wednesday night, Jean-Christophe de la Rue, a spokesman for Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney, said in an email: “While I cannot comment on operational matters of national security, I can say that security agencies are constantly evaluating the terrorist threat and taking action to protect Canadians.”

Speaking earlier to a Commons committee, Mr. Blaney said Canada’s security strategy is “working but the threat is there, and that’s why we need to keep on adjusting to the threat.

The committee meeting focused on Canadian citizens joining terror groups abroad. It, and the NBC report, came one day after Parliament voted to join U.S.-led airstrikes in Iraq against the group Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

The head of Canada’s spy agency said there hasn’t been a substantial increase in the number of Canadians going abroad for terrorist purposes since he spoke to a Senate committee on the subject in February.

“The threat is real [but] we don’t want to sound alarmist,” said Canadian Security Intelligence Service Director Michel Coulombe. “We know where they are.”

He confirmed that CSIS knows of 130 to 145 Canadians involved with terror groups in Arab countries — 30 in Syria — and that 80 Canadians are estimated to have returned home after fighting with terror groups.

Mr. Coulombe said the activities of those 80 Canadians range from fundraising and propaganda work to violent acts. He said some are from Iraq and Syria, but some also come from countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and the Sahel region of West Africa. Neither he nor Mr. Blaney would say whether any of the 80 had been charged.

Bob Paulson, head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, said the Internet has helped terrorist groups act faster, but said investigators are crafting an “intervention program” without specifying what it entails.

“The pace and tempo of operations is quite brisk,” he said. “It’s nothing that I think that Canadians need to be alarmed about.”

NDP and Liberal MPs clashed frequently with Mr. Blaney at the meeting.

“I’m not asking you again to explain your No. 1 priority,” said Liberal MP Wayne Easter, who called on the committee in August to launch an inquiry on domestic radicalization. “I’m asking what action you’re taking.”

Citing operational security, Mr. Blaney refused to disclose how many passports had been revoked from would-be terrorists, whether agencies have a shared anti-terrorism database or what happens to Canadians abroad with no passport who decide to turn away from terror groups.

Mr. Blaney, meanwhile, accused the parties of not taking a strong enough stand against ISIS.

“We can’t negotiate with those who aim to cut off our head,” he said.

Postmedia News
By most accounts, the Kurds are a decent bunch of people in a really ****** neighbourhood who are normally very self-sufficient but who could legitimately use a hand in this case.

Whether sending Canada's flaccid little force of elderly CF-18s will do any good in this regard is an entirely separate question.
Whether sending Canada's flaccid little force of elderly CF-18s will do any good in this regard is an entirely separate question.

Wanna know one thing its guaranteed to do? Increase anti-Canadian sentiment in local Islamists sitting on the fence of extremism.
What are we going to use to bomb? our ancient aging fleet of kites ?
Wanna know one thing its guaranteed to do? Increase anti-Canadian sentiment in local Islamists sitting on the fence of extremism.

I would argue a good number are already anti-Canadian and have a strong dislike for the many of the values our democratic system is built on. I'm not religious myself, but I'm not blind to the fact that Judeo-Christian values shaped the western world. Democracy is built on these values, many of which are simply incompatible with Islam.... So today you feel it's not our fight, but one day it will be, maybe through violence, maybe a political swing towards sharia ... but it will affect you ... unless you support those kinda things.

Watch this little pandora's box I stumble across a few years ago... keep digging and it gets crazier!

Everybody wants to rule the world.

except for one common factor

we all die and the world rules us

go earthworms
I would argue a good number are already anti-Canadian and have a strong dislike for the many of the values our democratic system is built on. I'm not religious myself, but I'm not blind to the fact that Judeo-Christian values shaped the western world. Democracy is built on these values, many of which are simply incompatible with Islam.... So today you feel it's not our fight, but one day it will be, maybe through violence, maybe a political swing towards sharia ... but it will affect you ... unless you support those kinda things.

Actually our democratic values have more to do with ancient Greece and Rome as well as other lesser "Pagan" and atheistic societies. Judaism and Christianity did not accept these values willingly and it took many 100s of years for them to do so. Today they trumpet them as their own, history tells us otherwise. The church did their best to try and stomp them out only to have them resurface during the Renaissance.

These guys are just where the other religions were 600 or so years ago. The big difference they have better weapons than Christianity did in the dark ages so they are a bigger problem. Hopefully it will not take 600 more years to get them straightened out.
Wow…what drugs are you taking???? And which part of the military industrial complex do you work for?

The only crazy people I see are the people who believe the mainstream media and governments.
Goes to show all the vaccines and fluoride are working.
The irony is that most of the followers of the mainstream media and governments will die from the cancer that these same governments and corporations release on the public. What goes around comes around I say for bombing innocent people.

I would argue a good number are already anti-Canadian and have a strong dislike for the many of the values our democratic system is built on. I'm not religious myself, but I'm not blind to the fact that Judeo-Christian values shaped the western world. Democracy is built on these values, many of which are simply incompatible with Islam.... So today you feel it's not our fight, but one day it will be, maybe through violence, maybe a political swing towards sharia ... but it will affect you ... unless you support those kinda things.

Watch this little pandora's box I stumble across a few years ago... keep digging and it gets crazier!

Wow…what drugs are you taking???? And which part of the military industrial complex do you work for?

The only crazy people I see are the people who believe the mainstream media and governments.
Goes to show all the vaccines and fluoride are working.
The irony is that most of the followers of the mainstream media and governments will die from the cancer that these same governments and corporations release on the public. What goes around comes around I say for bombing innocent people.
Your tinfoil hat is way to tight.
Wow…what drugs are you taking???? And which part of the military industrial complex do you work for?

The only crazy people I see are the people who believe the mainstream media and governments.
Goes to show all the vaccines and fluoride are working.
The irony is that most of the followers of the mainstream media and governments will die from the cancer that these same governments and corporations release on the public. What goes around comes around I say for bombing innocent people.

Hahaha... love it. Typical response, all insult, no substance. Why don't you go over to Syria and try to exercise your basic human rights to freedom of thought and expression, regardless of race, sex or religion. Then come back and let us know how that went for you. If you head isn't removed and put atop a fence post for YouTube that is.

And for the record, I don't watch or reference mainstream media ever. In fact I don't even bother with cable. I do my own research and try to come up with my own opinions based on what logical material I can find.

As for what goes around comes around.. you're right. How many cilvilians have died in the name of Allah?
Actually our democratic values have more to do with ancient Greece and Rome as well as other lesser "Pagan" and atheistic societies. Judaism and Christianity did not accept these values willingly and it took many 100s of years for them to do so. Today they trumpet them as their own, history tells us otherwise. The church did their best to try and stomp them out only to have them resurface during the Renaissance.

These guys are just where the other religions were 600 or so years ago. The big difference they have better weapons than Christianity did in the dark ages so they are a bigger problem. Hopefully it will not take 600 more years to get them straightened out.

All true, but try and keep things in context. The democracy we enjoy in the west today, developed in Countries heavily influenced by Christianity and Judaism.

Don't forget that the Romans, by late antiquity, had abandoned any form of real democratic policy. A process which started in what, the first or second century BC? 1600 years before the Renaissance, and continued that way until the fall of the Byzantines 200 years before the Renaissance.

I have no doubt that the people of that era would have looked to the Greek model for inspiration, but be realistic, modern day democracy wasn't the work of Greeks, Romans or Pegans. So I think its quite fair to call them judeo-christian values, adopted or not.
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