Canada Post

I had the communal box in Brooklin and now I have door to door in pickering.

I prefer the door to door, when a package is delivered and I am not home, they leave it in my porch and I don't have to take the trip to shoppers. There is the risk of getting stolen but yet to happen to me.

It seems that there is more junk mail left in my mailbox at home than on the communal box but it can be because of the different location (brooklin vs Pickering)

I like knowing my mail lady.
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Box was frozen on Monday, and I created a service ticket with Canada Post through their website. When I still couldn't get it open yesterday I broke out the micro torch...

Lock was defrosted in a couple of seconds! My neighbour saw me at the box getting my mail, and asked me how I managed to get in, so I did his lock as well. After it was cooled down he stuck in some lock deicer for good measure!
And you complain about being fat on other threads?
This was said as a good thing. Those coupons are deadly for a guy like me.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
This was said as a good thing. Those coupons are deadly for a guy like me.

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk

They are deadly for anyone and anything, a vulture shouldn't eat McPlastic food.
I won't show you what's really going on because no one will believe it.

Bottom line, don't eat anything from these hell holes, stop supporting the group that wants you to be unhealthy so you can support their real money makers, healthcare and pills..
Do you think the big owners of these places eat their own product?
Go visit some in some choice Toronto neighbourhoods. Some people are thoughtless idiots.

We've had a super box since we bought our house 15 years ago as has everyone else in our town. The same can be said for most rural areas and some entire cities. I don't buy all the ******** arguments about constant problems with the boxes (There's not, issues are far and few between), The elderly being unable to retrieve their mail (if getting to and opening a mailbox a few houses down is a massive issue chances are you are already receiving assistance from others, I'm sure they could pick up your mail as well), theft (Mail left in an unlocked box at the end of your driveway or front door, and parcels dropped at your front door in plain sight are somehow more secure?) etc etc.

There's much whining from people who want their cake and they want to eat it too. Perhaps those who still demand door-to-door delivery could be billed a surcharge every month for the continued privilege – my guess is that this would shut people up pretty quick and the take up would be minimal.

Times are changing, mail volume is down, CP needs to change with the times and look for ways to streamline unless people are willing to either subsidize the costs, pay extra for the continued privilege of home delivery, or be willing to pay a massive increase in postal prices across the board.

I suspect none of the above are palatable in the end.

Superboxes have always been a no brainer to me.

Seems it is becoming an 'issue'.......

As for the elderly...seriously??? I challenge you to use a walker in the winter and go 'a few houses down' to retrieve your mail.

Mail volume is down, granted. But the majority of that is due to online banking/bill payments. I don't know what the percentage is of elderly people that have a computer and are savvy enough to be able to do most everything online. I suspect it is small. An example is my own mother. She is self sufficient in her own home. She uses a walker. She has no assistance. She refuses to use a computer (or even a cell phone that can text. 'Answer the phone when I call!!!') She can get to the curb to a cab, with assistance from the cab drivers who are familiar with her and her walker. There is no way she gets 'a few houses down' in the winter, fumbles for a key with her gloves or mittens and finds a frozen lock. There is also no way for her to subsidize the cost.

15 years with a Super box and you may get used to it. 87 years with home delivery is hard to get over.
Seems it is becoming an 'issue'.......

As for the elderly...seriously??? I challenge you to use a walker in the winter and go 'a few houses down' to retrieve your mail.

Mail volume is down, granted. But the majority of that is due to online banking/bill payments. I don't know what the percentage is of elderly people that have a computer and are savvy enough to be able to do most everything online. I suspect it is small. An example is my own mother. She is self sufficient in her own home. She uses a walker. She has no assistance. She refuses to use a computer (or even a cell phone that can text. 'Answer the phone when I call!!!') She can get to the curb to a cab, with assistance from the cab drivers who are familiar with her and her walker. There is no way she gets 'a few houses down' in the winter, fumbles for a key with her gloves or mittens and finds a frozen lock. There is also no way for her to subsidize the cost.

15 years with a Super box and you may get used to it. 87 years with home delivery is hard to get over.

I have no problem with special exceptions being granted to those that need it. Get a doctors note saying you need it. You get weekly mail delivery to your door. One postie should be able to do a large area. For all the rest of the whiney wankers that don't feel like walking to the box, shut your pie holes (this seems to be the majority although they pretend they are concerned for others).

In general, daily mail delivery is a ridiculous waste. We check our box every 3 to 4 weeks.
I have no problem with special exceptions being granted to those that need it. Get a doctors note saying you need it. You get weekly mail delivery to your door. One postie should be able to do a large area. For all the rest of the whiney wankers that don't feel like walking to the box, shut your pie holes (this seems to be the majority although they pretend they are concerned for others).

In general, daily mail delivery is a ridiculous waste. We check our box every 3 to 4 weeks.

Doctor's note? are you serious? have you seen the abuse of doctors notes for handicap parking?
Doctor's note? are you serious? have you seen the abuse of doctors notes for handicap parking?

Not a perfect solution I admit. Do you have a better one?

As a starting point, you could say if someone in your house has a drivers license without a handicap sticker, your house doesn't qualify for delivery to the door. That leaves a large hole for houses with no drivers licenses, how do you determine who's eligible.

Alternative solution 2: Everybody gets superboxes for free. If you want to keep delivery to your door it is $365/yr, delivery weekly, you decide (I think the uptake rate would be abysmal). Exemptions again for those on social assistance/limited income.
Doctor's note? are you serious? have you seen the abuse of doctors notes for handicap parking?

This may be too simplistic...and way over CP's head....but how about anybody on Disability, CPP or over 65 gets home delivery?
Not a perfect solution I admit. Do you have a better one?

As a starting point, you could say if someone in your house has a drivers license without a handicap sticker, your house doesn't qualify for delivery to the door. That leaves a large hole for houses with no drivers licenses, how do you determine who's eligible.

Alternative solution 2: Everybody gets superboxes for free. If you want to keep delivery to your door it is $365/yr, delivery weekly, you decide (I think the uptake rate would be abysmal). Exemptions again for those on social assistance/limited income.

you don't need a driver's licence to get a handicap placard. just a dr note and a health card.
No scummy at all. I don't ask for this crap. I am just doing to them what they are doing to me.
Yep, the mail carrier that has to root through scummy people's junk mail in the outgoing letters did it to you.
I put all junk mail back in the mail slot. They can dispose of it.
If you don't wish to receive unaddressed admail, just say so. Do as Joe Bass suggested and put a sticker on your box. Better yet call Canada Post, 1-866-607-6301, and have your address added to the Consumers Choice list.

Sent from Z10 on Tapatalk
plenty on disability are not physically disabled. They are still eligible for disability and i don't fault them for it.

Sure, but if they're disability is such that they can otherwise seem "normal" to most people (as you seem to allude to), is getting ones mail from a mailbox something that's unreasonable to ask?

Doctor's note? are you serious? have you seen the abuse of doctors notes for handicap parking?

Yes, huge issue. I know people with doctors who will write a note for whatever they ask. Need a few week off work? Stress leave. Had to call in sick on the weekend because you couldn't get that vacation time you wanted but already had plans? You had the flu, right, wink wink...doctors note. You need a handicap pass for your car because you stubbed your toe and walking is going to be uncomfortable for a few weeks? Sure, why not.

It's these people that ruin it for the legit ones.

As for the elderly...seriously??? I challenge you to use a walker in the winter and go 'a few houses down' to retrieve your mail.

Here's my thoughts on that very common response.

Respectfully, how does she do everything else in life that requires one to leave their home? Cut the grass, shovel the driveway, get groceries, go to the engagements...etc etc etc?

If one is physically able to do all of that, there's an argument to be made that they're physically able to get to their superbox a few houses down at worst. If they are NOT physically able to do all of that, then they clearly have assisted living plans in place, either family, or governmental. Those same people are more than capable of also picking up the mail for those who are unable to because of infirmity, or for perhaps a few weeks a year, the weather.

And as someone else touched on, the "We must have our mail every single day" expectation is part of the issue. Check it once a week, nothing that comes in the mail anymore is so important that it must be picked up every single day. Surely the eldelerly or infirm who may legitimately have the occasional issue with a superbox would accordingly have someone who could, once a week, get their mail for them.

Both my parents, in their elderly years, after selling their home lived in an apartment before going to a nursing home. Both had their fair share of health and mobility issues, but both had no problems getting their mail from the community mailbox, and when they couldn't any longer, we did it for them, or a neighbor, or a friend.

There comes a point where the needs of the few are outweighed by the capabilities of the many. Keeping a bloated expensive home delivery system just because a small percentage of people would prefer it, and an even smaller percentage of people (arguably) need it is ridiculous. There are other solutions.
The amount I pay for postage I want my **** delivered to my door.

Should anything that's expensive be delivered to your door as well, accordingly?

Gas is expensive. Maybe the gas truck should come and fill my cars in my driveway once a week. That'd sure be convenient.

And really, 85 cents to have an envelope delivered anywhere in this massive country of ours within a few days can hardly be classed as "Expensive".
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I'm going to hurt myself from all the face-palming.

Community mailboxes are coming. Put on your big boy pants and get over it.

Dumping your junk mail anywhere that's not a recycling bin makes you a huge d-bag.
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