I brought that up to some teacher friends. I got the reaction you expect. Deflect, deflect, deflect. "we aren't paid for the summer" (well then we should annualize you salary to a full years work), "schools aren't air conditioned" (it's cheaper to air condition parts of the school than for an entire generation of kids to miss half a year of school. Alternatively, run school early in the morning or in the evenings).He practically flipped me off in another thread for stating housing isnt affordable today, turns out his 500k house in '08 is worth 1.7m now.
I just txted my buddy who teaches public high school:
"Have you been teaching/working from home?"
Him: "I sent a message that's it"
All the months of the teachers union and teachers yelling "Its about the kids". We are going to see if its true come June when kids go back to school. We'll see if teachers are willing to give up July and August to finish the school year.
As MM keeps bringing up, either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem. Almost every teacher I know is in the second column, the only school EA I know is in the first.