Can we mobilize teachers?

Hahaha. Just got an email from the school board discussing implementation of Douggies plan. School is online Jan 4 to 8 as expected. Teachers will be in contact on January 4 to discuss the platform they will use, tech requirements and expectations. Yet another win. Heaven forbid there was some foresight or any days available between now and January 4th where all of that could be provided so that kids were ready to learn on January 4. They are setting it up for a week of hurry up and get ready and then return to in-class.
Hahaha. Just got an email from the school board discussing implementation of Douggies plan. School is online Jan 4 to 8 as expected. Teachers will be in contact on January 4 to discuss the platform they will use, tech requirements and expectations. Yet another win. Heaven forbid there was some foresight or any days available between now and January 4th where all of that could be provided so that kids were ready to learn on January 4. They are setting it up for a week of hurry up and get ready and then return to in-class.
It's not surprising....

Lately over the past few months I have been dealing with college courses (or trying to) to do some upgrading while I ride this out. The amount of frustration I have been dealing with has been beyond surprising. I put out some simple requests via email for clarification on courses, admission requirements etc... and haven't gotten 1 straight answer out of any of the colleges, or no responses after repeated attemps. Calling in a request is impossible as it goes straight to voice mail and redirects you back to email. It's basically a no win situation, I can't imagine the level of incompetence at other lower education grades.

I think Douggie should burn it all to the ground and rebuild it, as it doesn't function. </endrant>
My daughters college has just completely shut things down until the lockout is over.

This is after doing half baked online classes all through September, October, and the beginning of November (before things started to go pear shaped with Covid when they COULD have been in class) only to return to in-class for the last month or so when things were going bad.

Now nothing for basically a month.

....sure glad we're paying for all this, plus housing and expenses. :cautious:
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Hahaha. Just got an email from the school board discussing implementation of Douggies plan. School is online Jan 4 to 8 as expected. Teachers will be in contact on January 4 to discuss the platform they will use, tech requirements and expectations. Yet another win. Heaven forbid there was some foresight or any days available between now and January 4th where all of that could be provided so that kids were ready to learn on January 4. They are setting it up for a week of hurry up and get ready and then return to in-class.
That's what happens when Ford/Lecce refused to announce a lockdown for so long. School boards were asking for it and until two days before the Christmas break Lecce said schools will not close. How do you get out Chromebooks to kids who need them with ONE day before the Christmas break? With 100 Chromebooks in a school of 400?
It's not surprising....

Lately over the past few months I have been dealing with college courses (or trying to) to do some upgrading while I ride this out. The amount of frustration I have been dealing with has been beyond surprising. I put out some simple requests via email for clarification on courses, admission requirements etc... and haven't gotten 1 straight answer out of any of the colleges, or no responses after repeated attemps. Calling in a request is impossible as it goes straight to voice mail and redirects you back to email. It's basically a no win situation, I can't imagine the level of incompetence at other lower education grades.

I think Douggie should burn it all to the ground and rebuild it, as it doesn't function. </endrant>

Back when I was in school, said school decided to use in-house students to create their entire CRM. The CRM was ****. Ironically, we heard all about it as current students studying software dev lol

Things that would take a few clicks before were multiplied (the most commonly used tasks) while some features were straight up broken. Now add some employees who will call tech support thinking "my monitor won't turn on" using the system and you've a recipe for an amazing **** show. Put this same scenario across a government wide system, with decades of technical debt, and you get.......

A lot of job opportunities because people sucked at their job before >=)

(And what you went through + what the grade 1 to 12 school systems have been going through lol)
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It was never teachers past or present , we have several in the family , that have raised my ire. Its organized teachers.
Much like you see a coyote on their own going quietly about thier business, curious and independent, once they group they become bold, feel empowered and want to eat all your stray cats.

The current radio ads playing, Doug has failed the education system , Doug didnt do this, should have done that, missed the boat completely . Oh and vaccinate the teachers first.
Oh there's the message , feel bad for everything Doug "should" have done, feel bad for the kids, we didnt keep kids safe. Oh and vaccinate the teachers.
Ya this ones easy. Teacher talks and the kids listen or not. Up to the parents to enforce.

Now that duty is on the teacher and parents **** on the teachers because little Johnny isn’t doing well.

I have a few teacher friends and I sympathize. I couldn’t deal with that bullcrap from every direction.

As for their ads...makes me sick. Think of the children, but what about us. Their union has become too strong and when unions get political and start meddling I have an issue with that.

Was the same on our job site, union sent out a letter stating the PC were bad because XYZ so vote Wynne in to make sure we are protected.

Unions have a time and place....politics ain’t it.
My buddy's BiL has booked himself in to the third floor 3 times. Last time they used electroshock therapy on him. He's back teaching grade 5 again.

Union: we don't see a problem - reinstate (and backdate his dues).
The ads on tv make me wanna puke.Is there a pile of bodies somewhere?How many teachers have covid?
The kids seem to be doing ok.Here's a pic of my grandson Harley being respectful at the start of school yesterday morn.
My buddy's BiL has booked himself in to the third floor 3 times. Last time they used electroshock therapy on him. He's back teaching grade 5 again.

Union: we don't see a problem - reinstate (and backdate his dues).
Ooof....that’s where I have an issue. Obviously there may be a deeper issue there but I don’t know anything about ‘third floor’ or any mental issues.

I just remember 2 examples where the union frustrated me:

- girl at work got caught stealing from the cash. In the open, from a person hired by the company to check if she was doing it. Got fired. Back the next day because union said so.

- Labourer on our site. Messed around. Damaged things. Didn’t show. Didn’t work. Didn’t give a poop. Got fired. Union sent him back Monday. Got fired. Union sent him back Wednesday. Got fired. Union sent him back. They put him on toilet duty. He quit and field a grievance. He was the union stewards son.

EDIT: And this one burns me personally....guy had the balls to tell me he doesn’t get out of bed for less than 150k/year..... barely finished high school, enjoy the privilege of being the stewards son.

I think about 20% of the crew was guys who had cousins in the union and came in from Europe, work for a few years and just went home. A lot of the local Canadian guys were pushed out by the union members so their cousins, nephews, nieces and sons could take the spot, work, and go home while they wait for the next heavy civil job and they’re coming back as Toronto is gearing up for major work.
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Now that duty is on the teacher and parents **** on the teachers because little Johnny isn’t doing well.

I have a few teacher friends and I sympathize. I couldn’t deal with that bullcrap from every direction.

This sadly isn't unique in the educational world. My wife occasionally deals with patients between ages 1-10. A lot of parents don't tell their kids to shut up and behave. She can't either (because the parents will yell at her then.) She also can't tell the parents to control their children because they usually do a poor job.

Wonder what the long term effects of this will be.
This sadly isn't unique in the educational world. My wife occasionally deals with patients between ages 1-10. A lot of parents don't tell their kids to shut up and behave. She can't either (because the parents will yell at her then.) She also can't tell the parents to control their children because they usually do a poor job.

Wonder what the long term effects of this will be.
Yup. My good buddy is a teacher at a private school.

- you ever fail anyone?
- I tried. But then the principal, parents and everyone was on me as to why their kid failed. Not worth the hassle when the parents are paying 20-40k/year. So the idiots just get a 51% so I don’t have to deal with it.
This sadly isn't unique in the educational world. My wife occasionally deals with patients between ages 1-10. A lot of parents don't tell their kids to shut up and behave. She can't either (because the parents will yell at her then.) She also can't tell the parents to control their children because they usually do a poor job.

Wonder what the long term effects of this will be.
Nothing good. There is friction with my bil and his wife because I told their delicate flower to stop pounding on a much smaller child. Their view is a child should never be told no and were ****** that I intervened. I gave their next kid the angry voice as they coloured all over my house with a pen. Again, you shouldn't tell them no, we will deal with it etc. They deal with it by ignoring their monsters destroying people and property. This will end well.
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Nothing good. There is friction with my bil and his wife because I told their delicate flower to stop pounding on a much smaller child. Their view is a child should never be told no and were ****** that I intervened. I gave their next kid the angry voice as they coloured all over my house with a pen. Again, you shouldn't tell them no, we will deal with it etc. They deal with it while ignoring their monsters destroying people amd property. This will end well.
LoL funny story....

my son and a buddy’s kid are playing:

- MP tell your son to stop playing in the rocks?
- why?
- cause my baby is putting the rocks in his mouth
- so what’s that got to do with mine? Mines not eating rocks
- tell him to stop it
- no. Teach your kid not to eat rocks
- we’re going home
- ok bye
I chose to go back to school to become a teacher in 2016. I left a long, lucrative career in the financial sector because, as I've said to people, "I'd like to do good, instead of just doing well". My accident in 2017 obviously cut all that short, and in Sept 2020m I chose (didn't have to, CHOSE) to go back to teacher's college to finish up, in the middle of the pandemic.

I'm older, so I get people that think that school, and kids are super-soft now compared to what it was like with us. I see some of it, but I see the other side too. I have 2 kids in high school currently, and so I am seeing this through their eyes as well.

So before I get too involved in this thread, what are we doing here? Are we bashing? Is this political? Who are we angry at? Are we just talking? Is that even possible with a subject like this?
LoL funny story....

my son and a buddy’s kid are playing:

- MP tell your son to stop playing in the rocks?
- why?
- cause my baby is putting the rocks in his mouth
- so what’s that got to do with mine? Mines not eating rocks
- tell him to stop it
- no. Teach your kid not to eat rocks
- we’re going home
- ok bye
My BIL's wife told me that I should tell the dog to growl but not bare his teeth while her delicate flower had his thumbs knuckle deep in the dogs eyes. I explained to her that kids were smarter than dogs and she should teach her kid right from wrong otherwise a few bites might teach the prick not to abuse animals. She didn't talk to me for weeks.
Yup. My good buddy is a teacher at a private school.

- you ever fail anyone?
- I tried. But then the principal, parents and everyone was on me as to why their kid failed. Not worth the hassle when the parents are paying 20-40k/year. So the idiots just get a 51% so I don’t have to deal with it.

I guess university/college will be their rude awakening if they go that route, where underperformers get filtered out without mercy lol
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