Can we call the U.S. a police state now?

For all your name calling, you sound a little confused about the facts. Am I typing or speaking?

You've heard of..................... metaphors?

Are you with all the conspiracy theorists who believe that the U.S. blew up its own building and killed its own people so that it could tighten security?

You want a conspiracy theory? Read the official report. It's a useless document that doesn't even address building 7 (for example). I don't know what happened exactly, but what didn't happen is the offical story.

The terrorist attacks will be the excuse that they will use. Simple as that.


You seem to be taking this personally, which is never a good thing.

I take it personally when some goon tries to grab and squeeze my junk just so I can get on a flight/train/bus. Or irradiates me each time I walk through a checkpoint. You seem to think that this should be acceptable behaviour.
Strange, I went to SanFran last month and there were no patdowns.
There are things In Canada that could me considered against our freedoms......cops that can stop you for no reason at all, in the USA they actually need a reason.
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