Decent foremen were few & far between during my 'stint' at OAP.
When that Mexican plant finally opened for production (several years late), several people from Ford mgmt throughout N.A. were chosen / asked / forced to do a tenure down there, to "get things going".
At the time, my boss, who oddly was a decent guy, went down for a few months. I'd be lying if I put an exact number on it. Likely 3, or 4 months.
The stories he had upon his return were priceless.
I've heard & read on gtam that auto companies don't need skilled labour. Guess that isn't so, is it?
Working people are physically similar - here & in Mexico.
It's not "skilled" workers they lack in Mexico. They lack workers who will commit to doing what they're supposed to be doing for more than one shift.
Being hired & thrown on an auto assembly line is not an easy thing to swallow.
I'm sure the culture difference is the major problem.
Again - I hope Ford's Mexican engine plant has the same outcome as their assembly attempts.
Bring back the "Cleveland / Windsor" V8 wars!!!!
BTW. I know a few "family men" who get by with a Civic!! I think you should give it a go.
What do you think the major contributing factor to that is?