Caliper Bolt

Thanks for the replies, managed to get it off. Neighbour had a bunch of stuff since he does work on cars and we heated it up like recommended by you guys (not red hot but decent amount of heat) and then from there it came off pretty easily.

Thanks again for the input everyone, sorry I couldn't update sooner as I was gone for the long weekend! You guys are great, cheers!
i don't know if a hand held screwdriver will give you enough torque to remove that bolt, but a hammer impact with a screwdriver bit will - while preventing any slippage. at princess auto ~$20 with screwdriver bits. i'm still using mine after more than a couple decades! edit: and get a replacement bolt... use penetrating oil prior

would love you to name the shop that said " specialist req'd" lmao

$24 and has a larger bit selection use a fine hacksaw blade or fine file to make the slit right size

and how to use impact - make sure impact is set to LOOSENING POSITION, not tightening, hold impact true and VERY tightly. and don't wack it girly like with the hammer the way this guy does - give it a good solid smart wack with the hammer!

if person who initially tried to remove bolt, and wrecked bolt head, used an impact in the first place you wouldn't be going through this - allen head bits can also be used with impact. One of the first tools that should be in every toolbox.

Most useful post I have read in weeks! Thanks for that, I have to add one of those to my toolbox.
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