You won't break even unless you get a Microfit contract. Last time I did the math I needed a full 10kw install and 22 years to break even. That was based on:
Revenue: $3168 based on 10kw array that generated 11,000kwh/year x $0.28 (Microfit rates)
Cost: $2100 based on install cost of $30K financing at 3.5% for 20 years for ugly panels (or $4800/year for a $70K shingle install).
Net $1068/year for ugly, and a loss of $1700 for shingled.
I figure it's viable if you install a 10kw ugly panel array, get a Microfit contract, and have it reach potential (a shingle install is not cost viable). My main considerations:
-Will I'll live here for long enough to enjoy the payoff? -- If I move the array stays and I pay it off the day the house is sold and the new owner benefits.
-Will it add or reduce the resale value of my home?
-How can I fix ugly?
That was just about the same math for me. The kicker is the usable life of most panels is just about 20 years (just about when it is paid off). At this point many are at 50% output.
As for ugly, depends on perspective of course. Also where they are on the house (side, front, back). For me the look does not bother me that much (indifferent to it) and they would be at the side of the house (not as visible). On the grand scheme of things there are lots of ugly houses so (like ALL track housing, specially pig-snouts)....
My hope is that it will drive both cost and innovation. My main obstacle is the sheer ugliness of an array bolted to a roof. When I see a rooftop array slapped on a house, I think -- "why not store your winter tires up there too?". Did I mention I think solar is ugly?
Agree on long term costs. Lots of ugly out there regardless...
Thank the Liberals for that. Over contracted generation has a supply glut that is regularly dumped at a cost to Ontarion users/taxpayers, generators are paid up to 40x market rates for power, AND 300,000 lost manufacturing jobs, many in power hungry factories, took a nice bite out of demand.
They are still at it, Microfit still pays about 15x the wholesale rate for electricity in Ontario.
Totally mismanaged by them, Doug and the pCs will fix it with Bigotry and Trickledown Economics...