Cage question


Well-known member
Hey, I am looking for a cage for my 03zx6r . I've read all of the forum info, so I do know which ones are trustworthy. So why am I writing this you ask?
Simple, I found one online branded new breed. I was wondering if anyone knows anything or has tried this?
I have found zero reviews apart from places which supply it. Just wanted to know if anyone has any info on this.
Thank you in advance.
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I took a look at their website and IMO they clearly knock off Impaktechs designs

So I personally would not spend a penny with them for that reason alone, Id buy an Impaktech since they are the same price

New breed cage 2013+ ZX6R

Impaktech 2013 Zx6R cage

Also last year I went to Cali and met Son the owner of Impaktech and hes a really good guy, and they do some good work over at his shop. And this year they moved into a bigger place and are doing even bigger and better things.....Its a good sucess story he made his own cage, people asked for him to make them for them. He made them out of his garage, and did that until he built the company into what it is now.

I already had one of his cages on my bike I brought with me, my friend that was with me had another brand of cage that was a little beat up. He told Son he planned to save cash and replace it with one of his Impacktech cages when he could afford it. Son was such a cool guy, he showed up at the stunt spot in Cali the next day, with a cage for his bike powdercoated in the same candy blue that his bike was already coated in, and the tools to install it. He did a straight up trade for my friend, his old beat up cage for a new Impacktech....Good people I tell you, I feel good spending my money with people like that...Cant speak for New Breed but I can really vouch for Impacktech product and customer service
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I took a look at their website and IMO they clearly knock off Impaktechs designs

So I personally would not spend a penny with them for that reason alone, Id buy an Impaktech since they are the same price

New breed cage 2013+ ZX6R

Impaktech 2013 Zx6R cage

Also last year I went to Cali and met Son the owner of Impaktech and hes a really good guy, and they do some good work over at his shop. And this year they moved into a bigger place and are doing even bigger and better things.....Its a good sucess story he made his own cage, people asked for him to make them for them. He made them out of his garage, and did that until he built the company into what it is now.

I already had one of his cages on my bike I brought with me, my friend that was with me had another brand of cage that was a little beat up. He told Son he planned to save cash and replace it with one of his Impacktech cages when he could afford it. Son was such a cool guy, he showed up at the stunt spot in Cali the next day, with a cage for his bike powdercoated in the same candy blue that his bike was already coated in, and the tools to install it. He did a straight up trade for my friend, his old beat up cage for a new Impacktech....Good people I tell you, I feel good spending my money with people like that...Cant speak for New Breed but I can really vouch for Impacktech product and customer service

Thank you for the response! Was beginning to think no one reads the stunt section. Lol. I will definitely support them too, when I purchase it. Based on your review. I have seen your other posts on stunting ,so I know you know your stuff.
Thank you for the response! Was beginning to think no one reads the stunt section. Lol. I will definitely support them too, when I purchase it. Based on your review. I have seen your other posts on stunting ,so I know you know your stuff.

Very popular brand, when I was in Cali it was like 9/10 bikes there running Impacktech. And not just your average stunters, but big name professionals like KrazyKyle, Jason Britton, Tony Carbajal, etc

Almost the same here, me and most of the guys I ride with used to use TygerShark, but they stopped making stunt cages about 2 years ago now I think

So after TS stopped making them, most of us switched to Impacktech. I personally have 2 09-16 cages, and some of my riding buddies have the 03/04 model too

I don't think you will be disappointed, they were always good, and are constantly getting even better as he makes investments in new shop equipment and processes

Only think that our dollar....ouch!
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