Cable TV: Rogers vs. Bell

They will both screw you over equally.
They will both screw you over equally.

I cant agree more , your best bet is to switch between the 2 every year because only new customers get good deals, they have no loyalty to long time customers what so ever and the customer service is brutal on both sides.
Call Rogers and tell them to close your account because youre switching to Bell.

Then wait for the offers and begging to start, and decide from there.
Or you could ditch cable entirely and up your internet package. We either stream or download now. Only downside for me has been the lack of sports this way.
I made the switched to free to air on a private sever about 2 years ago, and haven't looked back!
Or you could ditch cable entirely and up your internet package. We either stream or download now. Only downside for me has been the lack of sports this way.

I did this too.

The only drawback is generally having to wait a day or two to watch your shows. But otherwise, streaming is awesome. You can also pay a few bucks a month for a US VPN service to watch Hulu... tonnnns of content there.
I switched to Shaw sat from Bell sat. Saved about 30%, got more channels and upgraded to 2 free hi-def boxes and now have free hi-def channels. Bell sure begged when I cancelled, best phone call ever. They even called a week later begging forgiveness if I would come back. Went from $81 / month to $56 / month! Bell let me rot with standard def boxes and never offered to upgrade. They all take you for granted in the name of the almighty dollar.
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