if you're worried about demerit points, i would suggest scheduling a first attendance meeting with the prosecutor and request for an alternate by-law offense like (Disobey Municipal Sign) that doesn't carry demerit points
however you are going to have to do research to find this particular charge; i would suggest calling the city, and get someone to give you the relevant by-laws pertaining to signs at that intersection; during my first attendance i tried to get my HTA 144 (9) charge reduced to a by-law offense, and the prosecutor (Old City Hall) told me he doesn't know any by-law offenses and that i should have brought a photocopy or e-print out of the by-law offense
from your experience, you've atleast deduced that not many people (from police to traffic ticket clerks) understand the consequences of by-law tickets associated with prohibited turns
it's spelled out quite clearly in the HTA, don't be surprised if you get a new drivers license with two red/white polka dots
how can you misinterpret that chart? it says 2 demerit points for Section 143 and subsection 144 (9) of the Highway Traffic Act and any municipal by-law prohibiting turns
the HTA punishment uses municipal by-laws all the time, especially with posted signs: municipal speed limits, no parking, stop signs... etc
Yes, officers can give you the disobey by-law sign for going +50kph in a 40kph zone; but they'd rather give you the s172 or s128 or s130
Not every town and municipality in the province of Ontario have their own Police; OPP cover all of Ontario, so individual towns and cities up North are policed by the OPP and they have their own By-Laws! So yes OPP would issue relevant by-law tickets for them as well.
There is a huge disconnect here with people masquerading as police 'stay at home wives'.. and pretend to know the 'inside' scoop
Not sure why you cannot understand this. You have to be convicted of the HTA offence in order to get the demerit points.
It is actually quite simple, show me where the bylaw offence states the penalty on conviction of the bylaw offence will include demerit points. The HTA offence carries the penalties as laid out in the HTA. The bylaw offence carries the penalties as laid out in the bylaw. The bylaw offence does not say "see HTA for penalties".
I just paid the fine, I will let you guys know in a month if I got the points