buying used bike and riding back the legal way


Well-known member
I hope this isn't a dumb question I know how forum people can get offended by **** like this. anyway...
k so I sold my bike gonna use my old plates and slap it on the new bike
going to transfer old insurance policy to vin of bike i'm gonna purchase
correct me if I'm wrong I over heard it was okay to ride the bike with insurance while the bike is still in the old owners name. is this okay? Or do I have to get used vehicle package and pay the taxes and all that **** to get it in my name? I just wanna avoid paying the taxes at the moment cause I'll be broke after dishing out 6stacks.

another thing what is the best way going about paying the least tax? I heard people say its a gift or something.

Just posting this cause License bureaus are closed at the moment and I really wanna know. otherwise gonna ask them when they're open.
i've picked up a bike in the states and took a pickup, tie-downs, and ramp to get it. i also have a vehicle with hitch, so a $25/day uhaul trailer rental would be a good option. i'm a bit cautious about riding a new/used/older bike back over some distance. caution increasing as the combination of bike age and distance collectively increase. just saying. have you seen the bike? what if it's not what you expected. i'd hate to show up to buy a bike and discover differences of opinions and perceptions presented me with a bike i would prefer to avoid. when i went to the states, i prepared myself with knowing that it might not work out and i'd be out the time and cost to go see it. good luck.
Or do I have to get used vehicle package and pay the taxes and all that **** to get it in my name? I just wanna avoid paying the taxes at the moment cause I'll be broke after dishing out 6stacks.

Yes, you need a UVIP to get it in your name. A UVIP will also tell you if the bike has been in any accidents or has any liens on it.

another thing what is the best way going about paying the least tax? I heard people say its a gift or something.

You cannot claim a vehicle as a gift. Even if it's a gift, you still have to pay taxes on it. Some people will tell you to just claim it as $1 but other people wouldn't recommend that. I would only recommend it if you trust the person because the ministry will send him a letter asking him to confirm that he sold the bike for X amount. And if your numbers don't match up, you get the **** end of the stick.
When I bought my last bike I rode it on the sellers plates for a week, switched everything over in that time and once it was all good to go I slapped on my plate, and mailed his back to him. I was insured on my other bike, and his bike was still insured at the time too.

Not sure about your insurance, but me with Jevco I am NOT insured on any other bike. The way my broker explained it to me was it was opposite like a car. YOU are insured on YOUR bike, you are NOT insured on anyone else's bike.
You cannot claim a vehicle as a gift. Even if it's a gift, you still have to pay taxes on it. Some people will tell you to just claim it as $1 but other people wouldn't recommend that. I would only recommend it if you trust the person because the ministry will send him a letter asking him to confirm that he sold the bike for X amount. And if your numbers don't match up, you get the **** end of the stick.

Unless they changed this since last year, you CAN claim a vehicle as a gift, but you have to get a form notarized and only if it's from an IMMEDIATE family member. If IT IS a family member you MAY get lucky like I did and get an awesome person at the office who will still do it as a gift without the form.

I have bought three vehicles that I claimed a LOT less for and got the letters and ignored them. However if you DO claim less, make sure you get the owner to make a bill of sale with the number you will claim. Not everyone will do that, my friend bought a bike a few months ago and the guy wouldn't put 1000$, he insisted on 2500$. I'm not saying you should, just saying you can.
also the UVIP. do I need to get that before I pick up the bike for the owner to sign?
also the UVIP. do I need to get that before I pick up the bike for the owner to sign?

No. A handwritten bill of sale is acceptable. You will still have to buy it at the office, but you don't HAVE to have the seller sign it. Just something like,"I (seller) am selling a (make, model, VIN) to (buyer) for ($$$). (seller signature).". All done and good to go.
imnothng, I forgot to mention that about the immediate family member type sales. And I remember reading somewhere that it's MANDATORY to get a UVIP when selling.

And jooce, try and get the seller to get the UVIP so you don't have to pay for it.
And I remember reading somewhere that it's MANDATORY to get a UVIP when selling.

And jooce, try and get the seller to get the UVIP so you don't have to pay for it.

Its not mandatory unless they changed it since last year. They may SAY it is, but for several transfers in as many years I have always just had to buy it at the counter.

Yeah, OP, if you can get the guy to buy it (which he should, but most don't) it'll save you 20$.
also the UVIP. do I need to get that before I pick up the bike for the owner to sign?

Get it and read it. It will tell you if there are any leins and the number of owners etc. Too many owners may indicate a lemon. Take the time to do it right in the begining and save the headaches after. Re the price, if I was selling a bike I wouldn't commit perjury. To each his own.
2007 with only 5000 km not sayin make model incase some of you search kijiji and buy it before I do lol. but I'm getting all that info this week. thanks again errbody.
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