Buying A New Motorcycle - Not enough time to ride?

I already said that having kids is different - what don't you get? I respect the responsibilities that come with having them.
... I work full-time, renovating my house, working on my vintage car, spend time with family and friends, go on vacations, camping, etc. Still ride. Because I like to and I want to.

Well, aren't you just a super human being? :) I suppose we should all strive to be just like you then. You claim to 'respect' the responsibilities that comes with having children. That's admirable. But how about respecting the fact that we are all different (rhetorical).
Perhaps this thread could benefit from a little shift in context. People have responsibilities, and let's take that out of the equation. Lets weigh how those that have "no time to ride" spend their free time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows someone (in fact I'm guilty of it myself from time to time) that chooses to happily pursue other endeavours and that's cool. But when you're sitting in front of me on a patio drinking your fourth beer for the fifth night in a row, and you say you have "no time to ride", that's when I call BS.
Welcome to the dark side. TM3 makes me bored these days lol.

There's always time to ride. I'll have about 20,000 kms on my new bike by the time I have owned it a full year. You just have to decide for yourself to make riding a higher priority than other things.
lately for me it's only been the drive to work, however I take the back way (twisty street). My project NS400R and projects around the house has taken up my cruising time. my bike has been parked since friday afternoon. :/
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