Buy a Norton, get a suit ?

All nice points you gentlemen are bringing here. I would like to add another two, if I may. One is that the brand is owned by TVS, and the intentions is to be the Cadillac of TVS range of bikes. However, been a popular bike manufacturer, they should know the caveats of this upscaling. The second is how much they hold on, and screw up, but embrace it eventually, the Commando. They wanted to get his of the past, but realised the mistake. Nothing wrong in reissue the bike, btw, theyhave fertile ground of older models they can explore today...
Any addition to the motorcycle scene is a positive thing.
I will never be able to afford a new Noton Commando.
I can't even afford the classic Belstaff wax cotton that you just have to have to go with it.
I would however sell a kidney if they brought out a new MANX as long as it was a single.
I may sneer at 3 wheelers but they are keeping the sport alive.
Maybe the bike culture has changed in the UK since I remember it but back then anyone stepping into one of these places and walking out befitted in a Saville Row Norton suit with their new bike and a helping of beard wax would have universally attracted the title of “wanker”.

Mind you, I have a bucket load of Klim gear and a slightly impractical behemoth ADV bike so it’s probably the same thing.
The world has changed! Being called a "wanker" is now a compliment in the eyes of Wankers.
You are not successful untill yuo are hated by the "common folk".
Socialism is dead! long live the "Day Trader".
Of course people tell me I am "old" and out of touch with reality.
So what if I have lived thru Rebel without a Cause - Mods & Rockers - You meet the nicest people on a Honda - Easy Rider - Big Touring Bikes - 4 cylinder Squid Rockets - cruisers - sport bikes - sport touring bikes - 3 wheelers - ADV bikes - and now EV bikes.
The world will keep changing until it is time for me to get off.
Its hypocritical to complain about a man wearing a Servile Row suite on a motorcycle but not what the women are wearing in a motorcycle ad.

sigh... inreb would have something good to chime in with here
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