If you pay cash you miss out on the 2% rebate at the end of the year. Mine came to$24.00 Whoopee.
However in buying two GM work vans I saved about $5,000 by using a GM Visa credit card.
Now that I'm in a more laid back situation I pay cash for most purchases. I don't even like debit.
I use CC for gas because I can pay at the pump and get out faster.
What annoys me is the Loblaw's near me. I can't use the self checkout because they only take cards and with my usual bad luck I get stuck in a conventional line behind the shopper who hasn't a clue about how much they bought or the balance on their card or the pin number but has a fist full of coupons.
If a person is disciplined the CC rebates are good. My daughter knows someone that pays everything on CC's, mortgage, insurances, utilities, groceries, car payments etc. Gets a few thousand back every year but pays the full balance every month.
Most people don't have that focus.
The cash shopper pays the overhead on all those CC purchases by others, another P me off moment.
I like the story of the guy who was at a gas station and somehow his windshield got frosted up with him not having a scraper. They were $5.00 but he didn't have any cash. The attendant said use your credit card.
So the guy used his credit card to scrape the windshield.
I find it's not too bad if you put everything on one main credit card AND pay the balance every month. This way you're only looking at one statement. The problem comes if you have multiple cards and forget to pay. We use a PC card for most joint household monthly expenditures, pay the balance off and use the points for groceries. One other thing, I have a personal visa card with a low limit just for online purchases in case of scams. I keep getting a call from the bank asking if I want to raise my limit but I keep it at a couple of hundred. Regardless, every month I pay the credit cards off first, those interest rates are scary.