Burrito Boyz Tuesday Nights 4.0

Hey guys is the free drink valid to passengers as well lol !!

The girl wants to ride down as well lol !
Ya I think so, they're not too picky. Helmet or gear usually does the trick.

Dont forget to tip!
Ya I think so, they're not too picky. Helmet or gear usually does the trick.

Dont forget to tip!

tipping is deff important lol !
Helps to organize, see who is coming, and set group rides over based on where people are coming from. I'm out in the east end, so I'd like to figure out who I can ride with since it's not a short trip.
most ride there themselves.....then find groups....to ride with
I'm in, & can someone leave the light on so i can find my way there!!!
lol just having some funnyy!!

GSXMAER says this is the place to be on Tuesday nights. I'll be the one with the over-stickered and under-faired zzr600, and I have purple hair.
Kenny LMAO,shake & bake baby_______________ and butter that toast!!!!!!
Y'all com back now u hear!! Baby, sweetie pie,honey.

If weather is okay today, I might come to check this out today, ive heard a lot about it, but have yet to actually see it yet!
Think weather should be ok, I'll be heading down there. Drove into work though because it started to drizzle but then nothing happened?!
How early (or late) do people start showing up?
Cool, I'll try and show up at some point.
Thx for my T-shirt D!

I'm gonna bring your Mohawk Creepy Guy!!! :laughing3:

Oh SNAP !....I doubt I'll make it tonite. :(
Oh well ....maybe that will be my excuse to come over to your place !

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