Burrito Boyz Tuesday Nights 4.0

anything happening tonight?
I have the night off and was thinking of riding out.
Looking at the CBR1000RR's yesterday made me want to upgrade...
Who's going to this today?? And why is no one discussing?? Burritos+Bikes+good weather. Is there another thread im missing??

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Im going to show up at some point tonight. Prob around the 8pm mark.
Hey all. New to the site and super confused by this thread. Is burrito boyz in Port Credit on Tuesday nights still going on? Apologies if the answer is obvious and I'm just not seeing it..
What would be the cool person time to show up at? Sorry didn't feel like reading 60 pages to find out

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There is a good possibility that the rain will be finished sometime Tuesday afternoon, and if it is, I'm in ...
It was nice today...we always **** on Ducati guys for being posers but they were the only other sportbikes other than my 250 and a FZ6R...everyone else was an adventure tourer. About 8-10 of us in total.
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