Burrito Boyz Tuesday Nights 4.0

Gotta work tonight so I won't be able to make it, have fun & ride safe guys!
I do hope this gets busy. There's maybe a dozen bikes here but daaaamn that's a good burrito

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
I do hope this gets busy. There's maybe a dozen bikes here but daaaamn that's a good burrito

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

Yea, I went down with the guy from Daytona Motor Sport, wasnt busy when we were there. maybe 3o bikes.
That was me with the white gsxr you were talkin to :hello2:

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

Yep, that was us!

Wow, you got a commodore 64! I am still on a 32.2kbps dial up.... people keep pickin up the phone and murdering my internet.. ahah
Lucky you two... I'm still rocking Commodore VIC-20.
8-bit technology with 64 kB memory running BASIC :D

Those were the days :cool:
I won't be able to make it tonight...having surf & turf dinner with lots of booze!
6 lbs each baby!

I won't be able to make it tonight...having surf & turf dinner with lots of booze!
6 lbs each baby!

lol think you started the booze a bit too fast.
its a wednesday...burrito boyz was yesterday
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