Burrito Boyz 3.0!

I was there at 7:30pm but no one was there so I left ~ 8pm.


Hopefully I'll catch you guys next time.
Our group arrived at 9:20ish/9:30...

accidentally lost a rider :confused1: but met up with him afterward :)

Was a fun ride out tonight, despite the hiccups.

I got a kick out of the fact that we essentially picked up the last few burritos, made a "special delivery" to our separated rider and wound up eating in a hospital cafeteria. Definitely made for an interesting night. :P

Next week, earlier meet guys!
We went out for a scoot, but didn't make it down that way. Used to like cruising the lakeshore down to BB. "Cruising" down Hurontario just won't be the same.

Should be there next week.
Anyone planning to go tomorrow?
yes....but lets see what the weather will actually be
I'll be there + 1 guest tomorrow night
Won't be able to make it, you brahs have fun. Gotta spend the night tomorrow with the wifey. Ride safe :D
Going to be a little chilly tonight, gotta bundle up! But assuming no delays at my work tonight I'm planning on hitting KC around 7:30-8:00 and then heading to BB from there. Need my fix!
The sun is out...down here, and we have a couple hours of daylight. Come on out....
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