Burrito Boyz 3.0!

I got there late but it was still awesome! I saw the gas can and was a little confused. Lol nice to have great friends like that! Hope to see you all around soon!
We also made a brief appearance.. Had to be a bit later than planned because we needed to do a bit o electrical, so we couldn't have made it before 9-something. Good to see everyone..

It was nice to be served and protected...
Cop1: Neighbors have been complaining about the noise.. We wouldn't have shown up but....
Cop2: Passersby have been complaining about people loitering on the street.. We wouldn't have shown up but...

They should have at least got their stories straight before serving them to us.. In any case I'm sure a few riders' throttle hands and horn-thumbs accidently slipped once or twice while moving their bikes to legal parking spots :cool: All that supervision was cramping our style a bit and ironically we've never ever made any trouble down there in all the years we've been showing up every Tuesday.
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My favorite quote of the night:

The supervisor was telling a guy that he'd hand him out a ticket if he didn't stop what he was doing.
As the rider walks onto the sidewalk, he says "Well that's kind of a rude attitude".
"This says Police, not Polite" as the officer points to his shoulder patch.

I lol'd :lmao:
lmao wow that was a quick response.... real loserish though.

My favorite quote of the night:

The supervisor was telling a guy that he'd hand him out a ticket if he didn't stop what he was doing.
As the rider walks onto the sidewalk, he says "Well that's kind of a rude attitude".
"This says Police, not Polite" as the officer points to his shoulder patch.

I lol'd :lmao:
My favorite quote of the night:

The supervisor was telling a guy that he'd hand him out a ticket if he didn't stop what he was doing.
As the rider walks onto the sidewalk, he says "Well that's kind of a rude attitude".
"This says Police, not Polite" as the officer points to his shoulder patch.

I lol'd :lmao:

Hmmmnnn.... Lemme guess, the big bald one with the huge...attitude? :rolleyes: Yeah, he was pleasant. I remember him the last time he showed up on a Tuesday. He made a lasting impression as he jay-walked, waving his hands at car drivers as he went...Of course he was sure to top that tonight. Now he'll ticket YOU if you jaywalk to your bike and he actually stated he'd charge people with disturbing the peace if he hears them swear (he threatened someone that didn't even swear) or raise their voice... Fun guy.
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Hmmmnnn.... Lemme guess, the big bald one with the huge...attitude? :rolleyes: Yeah, he was pleasant. I remember him the last time he showed up on a Tuesday. He made a lasting impression as he jay-walked, waving his hands at car drivers as he went...Of course he was sure to top that tonight. Now he'll ticket YOU if you jaywalk to your bike and said actually stated he'd charge people with disturbing the peace if he hears them swear (he threatened someone that didn't even swear) or raise their voice... Fun guy.

That's why I made sure to go to the north intersection, where it's legal to cross, look left-right-left, point toward the other West end of Stavebank, walk across while continuing to point and looking left-right-left :cool:
Hmmmnnn.... Lemme guess, the big bald one with the huge...attitude? :rolleyes: Yeah, he was pleasant. I remember him the last time he showed up on a Tuesday. He made a lasting impression as he jay-walked, waving his hands at car drivers as he went...Of course he was sure to top that tonight. Now he'll ticket YOU if you jaywalk to your bike and said actually stated he'd charge people with disturbing the peace if he hears them swear (he threatened someone that didn't even swear) or raise their voice... Fun guy.

That guy was a real jerk though.
Based on the size of his uniform, I'm guessing he is a supervisor and hasn't done training in a while.
To be honest, he was being pretty rude to a lot of people and I think it's grounds for complaints too. He was yelling at some of us as if we were 8 year olds haha.
The first officer that stopped on scene (after doing 2 drive-bys to check on us) was very polite when he asked us to move the bikes that were illegally parked.
The one time I went to L&L there was a cop that showed up to ask us to move the bikes from the grocery store's lot, he was polite too.

Another highlight from last night:
The three cops are standing about on the other side of the street, waiting for us to finish our prize giveaway.
Lady walking her dog walking towards them.
Not 4 feet away from them, stumbles and falls on the ground and drops her beer bottle. LOL!
Surprisingly they let her go.....without the beer bottle.
The "Polite" police were only protecting the citizens from all the roudy biker types. If left unguarded these bikers have been know to do such things as: park illegally, "jay walk", eat burritoes, drink pop and chat with friends. What would happen to society if these bikers were left unchecked.

I do think the prize draws were FIXED! Oh wait, I won and so did my wife. Never mind........ Thanks Burrito Boyz.

Nice to see everyone again.

Another highlight from last night:
The three cops are standing about on the other side of the street, waiting for us to finish our prize giveaway.
Lady walking her dog walking towards them.
Not 4 feet away from them, stumbles and falls on the ground and drops her beer bottle. LOL!
Surprisingly they let her go.....without the beer bottle.

I SAW that! I was just walking up to friends standing in front of the cops when they were holding up the beer bottle and talking to her! Apparently public drunkenness is okay when you have bikers jay-walking to bust :rolleyes:
Rats! I thought yesterday was monday hahahaha Oh well, I don't usually win stuff anyway, and its for the best that I was nowhere near these "cops"

How many bikes?
Rats! I thought yesterday was monday hahahaha Oh well, I don't usually win stuff anyway, and its for the best that I was nowhere near these "cops"

How many bikes?

While there I heard that someone counted 103 or something, but more came and few left after I heard that.
I'm gonna take a guess at around 120 was our peak attendance?
I do think the prize draws were FIXED! Oh wait, I won and so did my wife. Never mind........ Thanks Burrito Boyz.

They didn't really mix the names very well haha.
p.s: I was that guy that was offering to take the Suzuki tankpad from ya since you don't have a Suz. :laughing8:
I left before it seems it it really interesting. Lol

Great turn out, I havent been to any of these rides since I stopped street riding like two years ago.
Great to see everyone again... Thinking I'm going to have to somehow mount a headlight on one of my racebikes so I don't have to show up in my car next time.
BTW, for those who are writing complaints regarding the officer that was trying to intimidate and bully people last night....not to be your mom... :rolleyes: However, try to remember not to go off, frothing at the mouth and sounding like a vindictive biker... ;) It's far more effective complaining to write concisely and clearly and un-emotionally if possible. We want them to take us seriously.
any hooo
the meet was about us Bikers
we topped out at 150 - 155 parked bikes.....AWESOME
no drama worth talkin about....great times had by all...

nice to see so many new and old bikers come out

remember weekly BB hangouts still continue to happen onward till snow falls

see you out there on the roads !!!!
remember weekly BB hangouts still continue to happen onward till snow falls

I think GSXMAER owns a part of BB or something, always promoting for us to go. :D
I think GSXMAER owns a part of BB or something, always promoting for us to go. :D

He's always there, supervising things, taking promotional photos :o
He's always there, supervising things, taking promotional photos :o

I hope he posts a few from last night.
The video I took with my phone while walking down the street to show how many bikes were present is of really low quality because there was relatively no light at all so I am not even going to bother posting it.
I remember this conversation clearly:

As the officer was threatening a member with a jaywalking ticket, another member said to the two other police officers on the other side of the street, "Did that police officer have a different breakfast from you two or something? Why's he so angry?"

To which the police officer replied "You thinking this is funny? Do you want a f*cking ticket? You're all f*cking idiots."
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