A lot of companies won't hire anyone, they just have an army of perma-temps from driver agencies. I worked for a LARGE southern ontario based cartage company that will remain unnamed for 3 years (15 years ago) and was never an actual employee, nor were any of my many coworkers. We all got paycheques from one of 4 or 5 different agencies they contracted through. Of course this gave them the benefit of no strings attached - bring on and get rid of drivers on a whim, you were constantly under their thumb...piss someone off by (gasp!) asking for a day off and you'd be sitting at home for a week because of a "work shortage", then they'd call in another temp to cover your work instead.
It sucked. And it's perfectly legal to this day.
Lol Manitoulin? I've got too many stories just trying to get the load from the trailer into a factory, I can't imagine the shitshow that goes when they're actually on the road. Or more accurately I don't want to picture it.
Best part is the driver that hit the bridge, and most of the low budget Bramladesh drivers around, get their ticket paid for by the Province.