Buried nail traps, wires put people in danger on Caledon biking trail

Many decades ago a guy was being sued by the person who tried to break into the guy's cottage. Because of previous B&E the cottage owner set a booby trap using a string and shotgun. I think the cottage owner ended up paying for the crook's lost leg.

While the knee jerk reaction might be on the side of the cottage owner, think about collateral damage. What if the crook got scared off before he triggered the gun, police showed up to investigate and an officer entered the partially opened door?

This is why you don't set booby traps.

If you saw someone setting a trap and asked them why, the answer would probably be "To keep people off my land".

That is incorrect as it wouldn't be a deterrent to the first victim unless the traps were marked, defeating their purpose.

The correct answer is "I'm going to hurt, main or kill someone to set an example for others."

In a court, the victim could be a wandering kid, lost hiker etc and the court wouldn't likely look kindly at the trap setters for their premeditated actions.

On the other hand I believe a person has the right to control the use of their land and too many people pull the "Rights" card to do whatever they want. Chippy attitudes and slack law enforcement are pushing us towards an ugly reckoning. Throw in liability concerns and the land owners dig in further (You knew people were using that path and didn't keep it safe." No more access.
I lived on a ruralproperty near Gormley, we had several break-ins. I got a nasty Leonberger guard dog.

Fixed that problem.
A few years ago I had posted on GTAM that there was a local landowner in the area of Limestone Rd and Appleby Line (Cambelleville) that allegedly dumped some loose sand on the inside of a tight bend in the road causing bikers to lose grip or weave unsafely when it was noticed. An empty pail was left at the same spot. Normally bikers would go slow thru the bend and notice things but some go-fast guys could have ended up in trouble.

A number of riders noticed it and commented. Not sure if anything was reported but it didn't seem to have reoccurred.
Vandalism on the Bruce trail has been a problem for decades. Landowners give the BTA permission to use thier land, but there are alway people that ruin it for everyone. Caledon has had a lot of trouble with booby traps and blaze removal. Sad
Sorry to say it still happens today where the locals will dump sand on the corners. In some cases it is the the cars that cut the corners and spin the gravel everywhere. On purpose??
The obvious roads, River road, Side road 15, the corners at the bottom of Caledon ski hill.
The further you go North/South always seems to be clean, or cleaner. Of course, you will always get gravel/sand spun out the sides.
When I see grass being cut, I will do traffic control and call the police. Because we are bikers and we are concerned about others safety.
When I see grass being cut, I will do traffic control and call the police. Because we are bikers and we are concerned about others safety.
The guy in Michigan that I bought my last bike from had a lawn issue with a neighbour. After he cut his lawn and before he could do a clean up the neighbour strutted over and lectured him on making a mess.

A couple of weeks later there was a low speed police pursuit with the drunk neighbour, on his riding mower, trying to outrun the police. There were no more lawn lectures after that.
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