Budget Vacation

There is some grey wolf lodge near Niagara, which seems popular for family's with kids, indoor water park, I think there is a outdoor tree climbing thing near there as well.

If you want to cross the boarder Six Flags Darien lake might be of interest

Wonderland, Blue mountain, The Zoo, Ripley's Aquarium, Niagara Falls
Usually mini amusement parks will start popping up in the weeks leading up to The Ex (at least in To)
They are pretty big for great wolf lodge imo. They may enjoy it though. It is the opposite of cheap. More than $500 a day by the time you get done. I wasn't impressed at the amount of broken stuff for that price. There is another hotel waterpark that is cheaper at Fallsview.
There is some grey wolf lodge near Niagara, which seems popular for family's with kids, indoor water park, I think there is a outdoor tree climbing thing near there as well.

If you want to cross the boarder Six Flags Darien lake might be of interest

Wonderland, Blue mountain, The Zoo, Ripley's Aquarium, Niagara Falls
Usually mini amusement parks will start popping up in the weeks leading up to The Ex (at least in To)
Most of those things on the list have already been done at some point.

We might try doing a helicopter tour over niagara. None of us have been in a helicopter so it might be fun.
Quick glance at pricing and it seems like approx $600 for 4 ppl.
They are pretty big for great wolf lodge imo. They may enjoy it though. It is the opposite of cheap. More than $500 a day by the time you get done. I wasn't impressed at the amount of broken stuff for that price. There is another hotel waterpark that is cheaper at Fallsview.
Its not so much the age but more of the fact that they have been there and it is NOT cheap.
I don't necessarily need a cheap excursions but something that is worth the money we are paying. I certainly do not think the Great Wolf lodge is worth the money.
Its not so much the age but more of the fact that they have been there and it is NOT cheap.
I don't necessarily need a cheap excursions but something that is worth the money we are paying. I certainly do not think the Great Wolf lodge is worth the money.
If you’re into bicycling, I’m sure you’re aware of the path going up Mississauga road just north of the the campground
Its not so much the age but more of the fact that they have been there and it is NOT cheap.
I don't necessarily need a cheap excursions but something that is worth the money we are paying. I certainly do not think the Great Wolf lodge is worth the money.
African Lion Safari
Kilarney Prov. Park
Tyendinaga Cavern and Caves
Long Sault Parkway
Any ideas for jail tours?

My daughter (14yo) wants to see a jail and attend a court case for some reason.
Any ideas for jail tours?

My daughter (14yo) wants to see a jail and attend a court case for some reason.
Cobourg has a jail/restaurant. Kingston Pen has become a tourist trap IIRC.

Court is easier. Most are open. Traffic court exposes her to bad arguments without exposing her to horrific details.
Cobourg has a jail/restaurant. Kingston Pen has become a tourist trap IIRC.

Court is easier. Most are open. Traffic court exposes her to bad arguments without exposing her to horrific details.
Cobourg is closer than Kingston so that might be preferred.

Yours truly has recently had the pleasure of attending a traffic court.
No much arguing there. In fact I think the system is a total waste of resources and money. But that's for another day.
No much arguing there. In fact I think the system is a total waste of resources and money. But that's for another day.
That's strange. I think every time I have gone, some self-represented defendant argues with the cop on the stand and says they were only going X over and the cop said Y. Prosecutor asks the judge to end the trial, judge bangs the gavel and they are guilty. They were charged with speeding and admitted to speeding in court. Guilty. They always look so confused.
Thai culture, which as much as anywhere I've been balances warm friendliness with politeness just about perfectly. That said, we were almost exclusively in the north, which wasn't as heavily touristed at that time, and I've been told some of the innocence has since been lost. I'm sure @Evoex has more recent experiences, though...
i've also stayed north or BK, have not done the island adventure yet in the south. Maybe in trip #3 2026..

I don't typically enjoy revisiting places, too much to see in the world. I've done 'the same' trip to Thailand twice now and I couldn't be happier. Food, people, prices are all just stellar. You think you know flavour, try some obscure 'restaurant' on the side of the road in the mountains. You'll be dreaming of those spices forever.

I actually checked the box and got the same dish from the same tiny hole in the wall 7 years later, it still tasted just as good...better even! Although i just realized looking at the pictures...i got gyped for gravy the second trip!! BUT I did smash 2 helpings back to back on my last trip, too good not to.

thai 2.jpg
thai 1.jpg
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That's strange. I think every time I have gone, some self-represented defendant argues with the cop on the stand and says they were only going X over and the cop said Y. Prosecutor asks the judge to end the trial, judge bangs the gavel and they are guilty. They were charged with speeding and admitted to speeding in court. Guilty. They always look so confused.
They clearly had no idea about trial procedure or that they can only QUESTION the witness(es), not argue with them.
The prosecutors are only there to keep the money mill rolling - convince you to plead guilty and get a reduction. They are NOT on your side.
They get really ****** when they lose....mine was still arguing with the judge when I left the courtroom.
The judge beleived me over the cop and I suspect was annoyed by the prosecutor trying to prevent me from reading the notes I took at the time of the ticket even as the cop reads from HIS notebook. :rolleyes:
A policeman is not automatically beleived despite what the prosecutor will tell you.
He said, she said applies and it is up to the judge to decide who is more credible.
In my case the judge beleived my version of events as it was reasonable and the cop was actually lying....could not recall where he was parked etc and flat out denied there was another motorcycle ahead of me.
I could supply a detailed description of that bike and the cop had actually started to pull out of his radar trap when he claimed I was speeding. His cherries were already on when I crested the hill came down the toward his spot at the bottom just before the Forks.
The judge preferred my version. :coffee:
It was also true.

When I questioned the cop ...he denied there was any other bike or that his cherries were on. He denied I asked him about it at the time. Judge did not find him credible. Prosecutor was babbling onto the judge when I left.
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