Do we let in a fraction as window dressing to show the world how wonderful we are? What about all the rest who we do close our doors to? Does your compassion not apply to them as well? Let's get the diplomatic apparatus in gear and find out why oil rich neighbouring Arab countries and the one nuclear democracy in the region can't help. Do you know how many unused billions of dollars are floating around that area?
Benevolence in general isn't universal. IIRC when Nelson Mandela was touring around to get the South Africa situation fixed Canada gave him a couple of million. Japan gave him bus fare. How many refugees is Japan accepting?
I don't think India, Bangladesh or most African countries are in a good position to help. How about China or Russia?
If Trump gets in he'll try to work a five for one deal with the middle east. He'll take one billionaire if they take back five taxi drivers.
The point is that there are a limited number of countries that can help and they will be over run.
Getting the billionaire locals involved would take years of diplomacy, something they would make sure of. Even then a billion dollars spread over a million people is a thousand a person. In Toronto that keeps you alive for a week.
Immigration in general, We whiteys may complain about the Immies but would rather have big screen TVs than big families. We'd rather have a pickup truck than a PhD but complain that we can't pronounce our doctor's name.
On the other end of the scale we bring in foreign workers to do menial jobs like fruit picking because the jobs are beneath us.
In this our personal tragedies will, to the world, be like bug splat on a windshield.