Brembo internal replacement parts |

Brembo internal replacement parts


Well-known member
Not for me personally, but recently I was trying to help a fellow find replacement parts to rebuild a Brembo clutch slave and master cylinder.
I came up with nada - assemblies only. Likely the same for brakes. Is there a source for this stuff ?
What size?
If I actually NEED Brembo stuff, I order from Bevel Heaven. Steve is a Brembo dealer and a heck of a nice guy.
Brembo makes stuff in non-standard sizes so you HAVE to buy Brembo.
Screw Brembo.
If you can use a standard size: Midwest Caliper.
Try Bickle Racing.
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What are you looking for ? seal?
When I was shopping for a new master recently, I went with the cast 19x18 because the slicker looking RCS19 wasn't rebuildable (apparently the new ones are). Brembo seems to pick and choose which units they'll sell parts for...

was a brembo dealer
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