Breaking Ties With My Family To Obtain A Motorcycle.

Having read the OP's threads and subsequent advice from others. From where I sit, this isn't about a motorcycle possibly breaking ties. This is about your suppression and you looking for a way to express your needs.

You are in a place where you feel you are ready to go out on your own and you sound ready - even taking the next step to leave the house and live in a motel. This may very well be the beginning of the next chapter or a mere snapshot in time. The only thing I have to add is keep communicating with your parents. It doesn't have to be a fight every time. I think by now they may well realize you want to hold the bull by the horns so it can be just as simple as reaching out and telling them you are safe.

I guess there must be some real cultural differences at play here. If my 19 year old, and I have one, was making 6 figures on a private enterprise that isn't illegal or immoral I would be ****ing stoked! That doesn't mean that said 19 year old no longer needs guidance. It can all **** the bed pretty quickly and then what do you have other than family.

OP, good luck to you. Getting a motorcycle isn't the be all and end all - it's just another thing. Fun as **** but still just a thing.
yeah let me know about bar nights

The physical pain wasnt really an issue, a broken bone or a bloody nose heals(ex amatuer boxer) the psychological and emotional scars last a lifetime.

Physical abuse is rarely done alone, is often accompanied by other things. Just ask any asian about school/career/grades etc

or sex. Sex was always a tricky subject, part of the reason i avoid indian chicks is to avoid all their hangups, repression, baggage and general batshit craziness when it involves the punani. Everyone else usually has a healthier attitude towards something that comes quite naturally to human beings

I still remember my mother having a ****ing meltdown and catching an *** whooping because as a 10 year old boy, i might have remarked a certain neighborhood milf had great tits. As a 10 year old you cant really flirt, it was just a pure and objective, structural observation

Some cultures are just *** ****in backwards when it comes to a lot of ****. It takes a generation or two after coming to canada to really recover from the crazy.
Checked the population stats.....I think Indians and Asians are natural at sex.

lol...yeah, I know what you meant.

Think most want the next generation to do better than they did. It's just that in different geographic areas/cultures, progress is measured in different ways and when you transplant one into another, it doesn't always mesh as easily. Good grades and opportunities work here too. Sometimes they need a push to keep the grades up. I have both the ones that need a push and the ones that excel on their own. Will let you know how it turns out in 20 more years.
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Checked the population stats.....I think Indians and Asians are natural at sex.

lol...yeah, I know what you meant.

Think most want the next generation to do better than they did. It's just that in different geographic areas/cultures, progress is measured in different ways and when you transplant one into another, it doesn't always mesh as easily. Good grades and opportunities work here too. Sometimes they need a push to keep the grades up. I have both the ones that need a push and the ones that excel on their own. Will let you know how it turns out in 20 more years.

If i told my dad when i was a kid that i wanted to be a plumber...he would def lose his ****. Nothing wrong with being a plumber, if you like it, and enjoy working with your hands..but its sacrilege

Theres a weird obsession indians have with wanting their kids to be engineers/Medical doctors....the kids are usually miserable (just look at any Eng/bio/health sciences class at any university in Ontario...all those indian and asian kids...its not an accident)

Its a bragging rights competition, the equivalent of 'my penis is bigger than yours' because my kid is in med school while yours is a lowly(Insert any blue collar profession)

I understand occasional pushes to get them to flourish...but this is just ****ed up. You really should do what you want to do, and follow your dreams.
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Update 1:

Sorry guys, it has been pretty rough for the past week. I told my mother that I would be moving out to obtain a place downtown (didn't tell her about the motorcycle again). She straight up threw another tantrum, and then said "move out if you wish, it's not like you want to live with me anymore." It was basically the last straw for me after hearing that, and I packed up what I could've into a suitcase, gym bag, and my school backpack (basically some clothes, laptop, etc).

I've been living at a local motel for the past few days now, and I have found a decent place near my school and will be moving into next week. I am currently very busy with keeping up in school, working on my business on the side, and learning how to do adult things (such as learning how to cook, since I've been getting sick of eating fast food for the past week now).

I will keep you guys updated as much as I can, thanks for all the advice and support.

FAQ: Do you have enough to pay for rent for the next few months even if your business goes down?
A: Yes, I currently have enough funds to stay in the condo that I've chosen for the next few years even if my business goes into ****.

FAQ: How much do you actually make?
A: Can't say the exact numbers, since every month is different. A good range would be from $8-15K / month or $96-180K / year, and it has been like this for the past year already.

FAQ: Do I come from a Asian family?
A: Yes.

FAQ: Do you know how much it cost to live in a condo in Toronto?
A: Yes.

P.S. The wifi here sucks ***. Can't wait to get into my new condo and outta this motel...

When you're making that much, what is the University degree going to do for you LOL?
You can rent some place for like 1k Max a month, retire in literally single digit years and still be rolling in it from residual income.
Ride your motorcycle all day at that point hah.
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missed the update. At that kind of income, you don't need the degree right now, but who knows the future. Good you are finishing the degree. If you are doing well, make sure to save as well. Again, no one knows the future.
What is your business if you don't mind us asking?

What field are you studying in?
Don't really get what good your education will be when you are already reeling in sub 200k a year.

I'm guessing just for long term security incase your business flops?
Really don't get the parents either.
They should be jumping with joy that their son makes more $ a year at sub 20 than most ****ing people make working well into their 40s.

You got enough "**** You" money to do whatever you want without asking anyone for permission.
My grades were never good enough to get into a university as a student :D but my skills were good enough that I made a **** load of money working for them, it's a fact that universities, hospitals, government research facilities and huge corporations never ask for your level of education when they issue a purchase order, you just need to be able to perform the required service exceptionally well.

Sailboat! Best place to live in or near Vancouver is on a sailboat.
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its just a worthless piece of paper nowdays(unless your in a STEM career)
OP, thank you for this thread. At the very least bigpoppa and I probably got some relief venting lol
FWIW, lots of people experienced abuse growing up. This isn't just limited to Asians and corporal punishment for poor academic performance or career choices.

And it's especially true for those of us that grew up in the 60s and 70s, when society generally turned a blind eye to physical abuse, wives never spoke up or left ("for the sake of the children", not that there was any form of support or places for them to go in those days anyway...)

My mother, myself and my siblings were all subjected to what can only think was a mentally unstable, a physically and psychopathically-manipulative father. My mother was on the receiving end of the worst of it (broken nose, broken teeth, black eyes, bruising, you name it) but we kids were routinely subjected to closed fists and a particular favorite weapon of his, a horseback riding crop:


wielded with great force and multiplicity of hits. To this day I can't watch horse racing and see those animals subjected to that tool. Not many kids can say they stared at the business-end of a Ruger Blackhawk held by the hand of a drunk man uttering the words "...and you're the first to go..." May he burn in hell.

Anyway, you gotta move on and do what you want. That **** -- abuse in any form or degree -- will be with you forever. My suggestion is to cut ties with the abuser(s) as soon as ****ing possible and lead the life you want. Ditch the ***** and get your bike and enjoy your freedom.
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