Breaking Ties With My Family To Obtain A Motorcycle.

All of GTAM's a stage,
And all the men and women merely riders
They have their exits and their entrances
And Inreb in his time plays many parts

OP, my family was/ is pretty crazy. But now that I'm much older I'm glad that I didn't cut them off like I wanted to.
I wanted a bike since I was 12, but living under my parent's roof, it was their rules.
I like the advice of holding off until you are sure about expenses AFTER you have moved out.
Your mom sounds bat $#!+ crazy but my mom can be too. But she is still my mom. Those threats she made are childish threats...and if she ever did follow through (I doubt it though) then you gotta remember that it won't be your fault.
I like the advice earlier that says don't flaunt it. No need to add fuel to that fire.
I wish you the best of luck. Look through the advice, but ultimately only you can make the choice on what to do.
I hate to make this a race thing, but I'm curious of your backround.....this sounds like a European or Asian mother. (flame on gtam lol)

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Maybe the family is from Burlington.Just saying.
I'm actually now thinking this whole story is BS. At best, its only one side of the story, and I'm willing to bet there are some facts missing.
I hate to make this a race thing, but I'm curious of your background.....this sounds like a European or Asian mother

It's not a race thing. The world still does not get this. Every time someone mentions race I cringe. It's not about the skin colour, it's about culture, the customs, habits, thinking of the people from certain parts of the world. The fact that they look a certain way that may be different from others, then people tend to say that is race, but it's not. The habits of the people are often identified by their racial makeup and which we can see and label inappropriately. As proof of that is when the second generation grows up in a new country like Canada say, they tend to lose their cultural differences and are homogenized in their world view no matter their race into the Canadian culture. On the other hand, their parents and who were the original immigrants, are the ones who brought their cultural views/habits that are different (I'm not talking about dress or food here!) and that their new society may be questioning or rejecting.

Sorry off topic maybe and not about riding, but it's important people know what they are saying or believing.
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@HarleyHare you are correct. I didn't use the correct term. I did in fact mean to refer to the cultures and habits of certain upbringing....and that has nothing to do with skin colour.

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Royal Enfield made a rather disturbing TV commercial about this, the mommy didn't want to cut the kids umbilical cord but the motorcycle finally did it.
If you live with your parents, then you must respect their wishes.

Once living independent, it’s really up to you.

Follow your passion where it leads you.

But don’t defy your folks wishes while they continue to provide a roof over your head.

That’s my thoughts anyways.

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If you live with them, do everthing BUT buy the bike. (i got my course, gear, etc)

When you move out, then get your bike. Honestly my mother wasn't to keen about it. But the first person i went to see after getting the bike (also cause i was in her neck of the woods) was my mom. It was a pretty big move, and i still love her so i wanted her to at least know... Yeah she might worry here or there when she hears the news... but there's only so much i'll do "behind her back" lol

Honestly she was surprised but she wasn't mad... She knew that if i went through with it, she wouldn't change my mind, but that's also my character and she knows better than to try to change my mind lol.

So i wouldnt say cut your ties... even if your relationship with them is less than ideal. As long as they don't become destructive in your life (once you've moved out) i don't see a problem.
Buy your parents’ house. Then it’s “your house...your rules” lol !!!

Otherwise, take a motorcycle safety course and get your licence first. Who knows, you may not like it...or you may love it. THEN make the more difficult/life-changing decisions.
Sounds like you have yourself together and are more of an adult than %98 of 19 year olds.

I'd get the license and do the course before buying a bike and getting insurance. Even sitting on a license for a year before riding will lower your insurance a bit.

Title probably sounds very dumb, but it's getting to that point. throwing a temper by stomping her feets over and over on the floor, and screaming that she will do harmful things to herself if I ever came home with a Motorcycle. My father always takes my mother's side as well because of the ways she acts like a child and threatened to take her life basically if I ever came home with a bike.

Your mother has bigger issues than you riding a motorcycle....
Starting to look like a 1 post wonder? Oh well he got a great discussion going.

Yep . 70+ responses, OP hasn't been back on since starting the thread.
If you can manage living with room mates then be it...I user to live in "Neil wycik" 96 gerrard street's a coop run by students - for students...every Friday is party night...they even have motorcycle parking inside secured areas for $20 a life experience ever! Went in not knowing how to boil water...came out prepared for Armageddon!
Yep . 70+ responses, OP hasn't been back on since starting the thread.

Well it's only been a few days, he may get back in a week not knowing he should check or dialogue further. On the other hand he did not seem to be in a "good place" given his story and passionate writing. So it just may be, heaven forbid, he got the bike and rode it in this miserable weather and left this world?

I have seen discussions on advrider, especially where the guy is in the middle of his adventure tour around the world or some such, and where the OP is very involved and in the heat of discussion, then suddenly nothing. I always wonder.
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wow. whatta story.whatta thread.
the op gets so much support from gtam members...we all been there,
more or less...1 life - make it count!

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Well it's only been a few days, he may get back in a week not knowing he should check or dialogue further. On the other hand he did not seem to be in a "good place" given his story and passionate writing. So it just may be, heaven forbid, he got the bike and rode it in this miserable weather and left this world?

I have seen discussions on advrider, especially where the guy is in the middle of his adventure tour around the world or some such, and where the OP is very involved and in the heat of discussion, then suddenly nothing. I always wonder.

OP shares a IP address with his parents, my guess is they checked web history and stumbled on this thread...

Not someone who was perma-banned setting up a new persona?
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