Breaking NEWS- New iPhone 7 water resistant/proof

Samsung stating $2 Billion in profit loss this year???
Stop making the Note 7.

hmmm good time to buy Samsung stocks...wait for the Note 8 that will HAVE to be BIGGLY.

My bad. I Googled yesterday's stock drop and $2.3B cost to replace the Note 7 and clicked on an article about last month's stock tanking. Sorry I inflicted so much butt hurt on you.

This should make up for it.

Profits up 50% despite Note 7 fiasco recording highest earnings since 2013

Knock them all you want..... This is a company that makes great products clearly leading in the field of innovation. Sorry to break it to you folks....

I'll be one of the first in line when the NOTE 8 comes, sorely miss my note 7.
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Knock them all you want..... This is a company that makes great products clearly leading in the field of innovation.

You meant "leading in the field of copying Apple", right? Because before that the only thing Samsung was famous for was cheap plasticy phones that were famous mostly for falling apart (plastic backs that always fell apart) or hardware issues - USB ports that fell off the main board.

Oh, and being cheap. That's what gave them their market share.

When they started copying the iPhone the quality suddenly went up, but then the butthurt started to flow when they also copied things like non-removable batteries. Next up, no headphone jack!
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