
Slight change, 10:30 at the above-mentioned Timmies, and we're going north rather than south.
Nevermind, made alternate plans in the morning! If you go later I may join you
Last night around 7:30pm I was riding along Bovaird and Mississauga just passing the Mt Pleasant GO Station when I saw a group of about six riders and decided to tag along. Hopefully whoever you guys and gals were that went out last night, are on this forum and next time you head out please do let me know. Unfortunately I had to turn back after about an hour riding with you guys cuz I was only supposed to go out and pick up some things from the local store. Needless to say 2.5 hours later I arrived back home. LOL

I really liked the route you guys took from Brampton, through Georgetown, Limehouse Conservation area, Blue Springs Golf club, Guelph, Milton and wherever else I followed you up until I had to leave and took the 401 quickly back to run my errand.

I thought it was awesome and I would love to do it again. So if you guys are out there and trying to figure out who that last guy on the Ninja 250 was. It was ME. :)
PM me next time you head out.

Last night around 7:30pm I was riding along Bovaird and Mississauga just passing the Mt Pleasant GO Station when I saw a group of about six riders and decided to tag along. Hopefully whoever you guys and gals were that went out last night, are on this forum and next time you head out please do let me know. Unfortunately I had to turn back after about an hour riding with you guys cuz I was only supposed to go out and pick up some things from the local store. Needless to say 2.5 hours later I arrived back home. LOL

I really liked the route you guys took from Brampton, through Georgetown, Limehouse Conservation area, Blue Springs Golf club, Guelph, Milton and wherever else I followed you up until I had to leave and took the 401 quickly back to run my errand.

I thought it was awesome and I would love to do it again. So if you guys are out there and trying to figure out who that last guy on the Ninja 250 was. It was ME. :)
PM me next time you head out.


I wasn't there, but I'm at sandalwood & edenbrook hill if you ever want to go for a ride...

- Randy
I'm Caledon, I'll follow this thread and see if you guys are doing anything in the near future. I'd love to join, if you don't mind a rookie tagging along.
sorry man im out for tomorrow morning thats too early for me :( generally still asleep at 7 >< ill catch you some other time have fun though.
Anyone up for 7pm ride tonight. If t he weather holds. Looking to ride north perhaps by the forks???
tomm. Bovaird and Mclaughlin between 7 to 7:30PM.
route- follow the leader.. but not too close
pace-reasonable. not loose your license.
theres a meet n rude going down, starting in woodbridge. going down at the same time. why dont you guys join:D?
Anybody interested in riding this morning? Thinking of a 2 hour ride so you'll be back for the EuroCup final. Would be leaving at about 11:30 from the Bovaird and McGlaughlin Timmies.
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