Brampton rider down

Thank you all for your concern and condolences. My brother passed away due to his injuries last Thursday, August 16. John was heading westbound and the vehicle he collided with turned in front of him. The light was not was not red... I don't know why he turned. His buddy was with him the entire time as well as other considerate people who even held his hand until paramedics arrived. The police are still investigating and I encourage any other witnesses to come forward. I am a new rider, John rode with me my first three times...the fourth and fifth I have been on my own and I look to all of you out there to help new riders and to stay safe from all of the unexpected.
RIP John
RIP Rider.

Condolences friends/family.

This is so sad.
this is absolutely saddening...i've rode around there many times too.

btown is so ****ed up. i am originally not from brampton, but lived here since I was 2 years old from England. The quality of brampton, in inversely proportional to the quantity of people.

My condolences...

people. ride with your head up, and always ASSUME people are out to get you. sheesh...brampton...
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