Brake and transmission question


Well-known member
Hey all,

As you may have seen from my other post I recently picked up a '18 s1000r.

I have two questions:
  1. Do these front brake pads have enough life to pass safety (photo linked below). I will be ordering new ones either way, but I plan to get the tires replaced and safetied tomorrow, then will be away for 2 weeks. I'd like to get the safety and registration out of the way beforehand
  2. I noticed when I start the bike in 1st gear (clutch in), the bike tends to lunge forward. I also noticed the same if I'm riding in 1st gear, clutch in, throttle a bit, I can feel the bike wanting to lunge forward.
Any suggestions on what #2 could be would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking it just needs a minor clutch adjustment, but not sure. None of my old bikes did this.


1. I would say those pads should pass safety
2. 95% of clutch weirdness is a clutch cable that is out of adjustment, misrouted, or worn out. Could also be sticking clutch plates, which you may fix by riding the bike
It looks like 1.5mm is minimum for safety and you look well above that.

As for clutch, adjustment, sticking from sitting for too long or oil can cause that. Sometimes changing to new oil (or new type of oil) changes clutch behaviour.
Thanks all,

Passed safety with no issues and also the weird transmission issue seems to have resolved.

I'm not sure which did it, but I adjustment the clutch to reduce some slack (according to the manual), and, with the bike off and in gear, rolled it back and forth a few time. I read doing this can helped loosen up the clutch plates.

I also managed to adjust the shift lever to lower it a bit.

Took it for a short ride today and it's already so much better.

Appreciate all the tips.
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