Bought in Quebec a motorcycle and register in ontario

  • Thread starter Thread starter david Lorenzo
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I Will know more in a day or two, I will give a full debrief once done :).

Does anyone know here if the QUEBEC vehicle permit is the same as in Ontario? Like having the portion for the plates and for the vehicle?

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This is a vacation?

Are you staying in Europe or coming back to Canada? Is the bike coming back with you?

If you and the bike are coming back, do you realize that you can ride your personal vehicle over there with Ontario plates without having to register or import anything? Me and many, many North Americans have done exactly this without the immense hassle and hoops that you are currently jumping through.

Also, European import taxes will far dwarf the 12% of the declared value that you pay in Ontario. Most likely by an order of magnitidue, depending on the country you are importing to.

Just to give you an idea of the duty you will be facing. I tried selling my motorcycle in Croatia for 2000 Euros. This was an absolute steal for any local but at least I didn't have to ship my bike back to Canada. However, when the locals did the research, the import tax was 5000 Euros. Cheaper just to buy the same bike in Croatia.

Import tax and tariffs are structurerld exactly like this to avoid foreign products from competing with local products. This, even though my bike was made in Germany, it was manufactured destined for the North American market.
Isn't the procedure that I would need insurance at the time of registering/putting the ownership in my name?

To answer your 1st question, the bike is going to stay in Europe. The container I have for free

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Isn't the procedure that I would need insurance at the time of registering/putting the ownership in my name?

Technically, yes.

However, the penalty for not having insurance is not enforced at registration, but rather when you are stopped on the road by law enforcement.

Things may have changed since the last time I registered a vehicle at Service Ontario, but the clerk has never asked to see proof of insurance. There is a spot on the form to fill out a policy number. Once I bought a motorcycle in the winter, but didn't buy insurance till the spring, so I just put my car insurance policy # on there. No checks. Got the motorcycle registered, got a license plate.

My advice to you is to get everything as legal and straightforward as you can. Having different names and provinces on your ownership than what is on your license or passport is only going to cause you untold amounts of grief and headache when you need to deal with government officials in a foreign country.

You haven't mentioned which country you are going to, but from your description, I am assuming that it's not one of the more developed ones in Europe. If there is any corruption in that country, you are opening yourself up to having your vehicle held hostage by law enforcement or some government lackey looking for a bribe because your paperwork is irregular.

I have been on the receiving end of this, even when I had all my documents in order. I can't imagine if there were any discrepancies, how much time and money that would have cost me.

To answer your 1st question, the bike is going to stay in Europe. The container I have for free

Are you registering the bike under your name or selling it to someone else in your home country? Have you researched what the import tax is for your bike? I have friends from Singapore who had to stop their RTW motorcycle trip. They tried selling their bikes in Colombia where they were stopped in, but nobody would buy them because of how high the import tax was. They ended up abandoning the bikes in a parking lot with the keys in the ignition, because it was too costly to ship the bikes to the country of registration (bikes were bought in the US) to try to sell it there and then fly back to Singapore again.

We had the same issue in Kenya, tried to sell our SA-registered bikes there. Could not give them away because the import tax was greater than the value of the bikes. We had to ship the bikes back to SA, sell them bikes there and fly back to Canada. It worked out because we got another year of riding in SA, but if we didn't have to do that, it would have been (slightly) cheaper to abandon the bikes (or set fire to them) at the side of the road and just eat the cost of two motorcycles.

Import tax is no laughing matter. Most times, it's calculated at the time of first registration (so basically brand new) and in Europe can range anywhere between 25%-50% of the MSRP depending on the country. You don't want to face the prospect of having to either ship your motorcycle back to Canada or just abandon it in Europe because it's too expensive to register or sell it there.
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Technically, yes.

However, the penalty for not having insurance is not enforced at registration, but rather when you are stopped on the road by law enforcement.

Things may have changed since the last time I registered a vehicle at Service Ontario, but the clerk has never asked to see proof of insurance. There is a spot on the form to fill out a policy number. Once I bought a motorcycle in the winter, but didn't buy insurance till the spring, so I just put my car insurance policy # on there. No checks. Got the motorcycle registered, got a license plate.

My advice to you is to get everything as legal and straightforward as you can. Having different names and provinces on your ownership than what is on your license or passport is only going to cause you untold amounts of grief and headache when you need to deal with government officials in a foreign country.

You haven't mentioned which country you are going to, but from your description, I am assuming that it's not one of the more developed ones in Europe. If there is any corruption in that country, you are opening yourself up to having your vehicle held hostage by law enforcement or some government lackey looking for a bribe because your paperwork is irregular.

I have been on the receiving end of this, even when I had all my documents in order. I can't imagine if there were any discrepancies, how much time and money that would have cost me.

Are you registering the bike under your name or selling it to someone else in your home country? Have you researched what the import tax is for your bike? I have friends from Singapore who had to stop their RTW motorcycle trip. They tried selling their bikes in Colombia where they were stopped in, but nobody would buy them because of how high the import tax was. They ended up abandoning the bikes in a parking lot with the keys in the ignition, because it was too costly to ship the bikes to the country of registration (bikes were bought in the US) to try to sell it there and then fly back to Singapore again.

We had the same issue in Kenya, tried to sell our SA-registered bikes there. Could not give them away because the import tax was greater than the value of the bikes. We had to ship the bikes back to SA, sell them bikes there and fly back to Canada. It worked out because we got another year of riding in SA, but if we didn't have to do that, it would have been (slightly) cheaper to abandon the bikes (or set fire to them) at the side of the road and just eat the cost of two motorcycles.

Import tax is no laughing matter. Most times, it's calculated at the time of first registration (so basically brand new) and in Europe can range anywhere between 25%-50% of the MSRP depending on the country. You don't want to face the prospect of having to either ship your motorcycle back to Canada or just abandon it in Europe because it's too expensive to register or sell it there.
You only need insurance if you are going to plate the vehicle.
If you have a saftey, you can register it fit/unplated.
You can also register it unfit/unplated if you do not have a saftey.
You only need insurance if you are going to plate the vehicle.
If you have a saftey, you can register it fit/unplated.
You can also register it unfit/unplated if you do not have a saftey.

If he's going to ride it in Europe and not import it (which is the cheapest route IMO), he's going to need an Ontario plate on it.
Guys, sorry for not replying, I swear. It is really hectic coz the container ships next week and I still did not buy the bike so I have no time write in depth.

Can you give me an opinion on this bike? 19k seems a lot, what service can I expect soon?

Guys, sorry for not replying, I swear. It is really hectic coz the container ships next week and I still did not buy the bike so I have no time write in depth.

Can you give me an opinion on this bike? 19k seems a lot, what service can I expect soon?

Any modern bike should easily last for 150k km with regular maintenance. As for what that particular bike needs, it comes down to previous owner. If they took care of it, I wouldnt expect much. If they rode it hard and put it away wet, it could easily need a chain, sprockets, tires, etc. I always assume the worst and check everything when I get a bike. That way I know things are ready to follow the schedule.

I wouldnt be buying a bike of unknown history and shipping it away without allowing time for maintenance. Have you figured out the potential import tax yet? Purgatory is not a good place for a bike to be (although at least that one could make a fun track bike so it may not be a useless leper).
Thanks for the input. He says he owned it for this summer only. Tires really good, as new. Oil changed and that's it.
He also says the previous owner dropped it on the parking lot which is why he replaced the side plastic (looking at the pictures I cannot figure out which one is he talking about).

Purgatory, oh well :) . I seem to have it figured out. I have communication with thr custom officers back home ( Montenegro) .

The tax +customs in total will be 26%. For reasons I will reveal a little bit later, it is still beneficial to me to buy a bike here.

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Bought it , zx6r 2013 19k on it.

Seller gave me this two bros slip on for 60$. I dunno if I will put it on though

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Ok guys, an update. I was able to ship the bike and the container is coming to the port tomorrow:).

So one thing I'm missing and is needed to register the bike is some kind of a confirmation that the bike was "signed off" from Canada , meaning it's not registered in Canada anymore.

So I'm just wondering what to ask in service Ontario or rather service Quebec in order to prove the authorities in my countrie that the bike was unregistered from Canada.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
Ok guys, an update. I was able to ship the bike and the container is coming to the port tomorrow:).

So one thing I'm missing and is needed to register the bike is some kind of a confirmation that the bike was "signed off" from Canada , meaning it's not registered in Canada anymore.

So I'm just wondering what to ask in service Ontario or rather service Quebec in order to prove the authorities in my countrie that the bike was unregistered from Canada.

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So the battle begins...
Hope you are able to sort this out fairly easily.
Ok guys, an update. I was able to ship the bike and the container is coming to the port tomorrow:).

So one thing I'm missing and is needed to register the bike is some kind of a confirmation that the bike was "signed off" from Canada , meaning it's not registered in Canada anymore.

So I'm just wondering what to ask in service Ontario or rather service Quebec in order to prove the authorities in my countrie that the bike was unregistered from Canada.

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Did you register the vehicle (either in Ontario or Quebec) before you shipped it?

Normally when you sell a vehicle, you contact the MTO to have the ownership removed from your driver's license. However, I don't think this is what they are asking because the vehicle still is in the MTO registry, just not under your name.

I think what they are looking for is an export document. If you are not the registered owner, this is going to be a difficult task.
You shipped it without the paperwork in order?

Short of greasing palms at the receiving end, if this is possible, I think you just lit a bunch of cash on fire.
You shipped it without the paperwork in order?

Short of greasing palms at the receiving end, if this is possible, I think you just lit a bunch of cash on fire.
How do you think the luxury SUVs make it out of Canada?
How do you think the luxury SUVs make it out of Canada?
The secret ingredient is crime. LOL

You also have to know who to pay off and I'm pretty certain it's set up before the container leaves.
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