Border Crossing

that was referring to Macdoc's post about the gas station guy telling him to take his helmet off via the loudspeakers
Ya, ok. I never take my helmet of either. The guy had probably been the victim of pump and run's. No need to flip him off.
You could probably fly to your boat, if you can eat the cost.
Can't get a Canada Customs checkin in Canada for the return trip. Fines are pretty big for not checking in when you come across.
Can't get a Canada Customs checkin in Canada for the return trip. Fines are pretty big for not checking in when you come across.
I thought you said you wanted to visit it, and make sure it's o.k., not sail it to Canada.
don't even take off my helmet when I go inside to pay!
only a few places are stupid about it and they don't get my business.
Different if it's a full face but if the convertible is good enough for the border it's good enough for a anal gas attendant.
The bird gets the message across not to be stupid. People don't pump and run in this area. He has video surveilance - if it was a hat he wouldn't do - every reason to let him know he lost a sale. ......these are all mandatory outside worker hats.

Yeah, from what I've gathered the US border is going to remained closed because of the optics of opening the Canadian side but keeping the Mexico side closed. You know there will be cries of discrimination and all that nonsense even if the decision to open was made solely on medical facts.'s dumb, but such is the world we live in where "Mah rights" mean more than science anymore.

We might be looking at shopping for a new Volt and I'm seeing some killer deals in the USA. With the exchange hovering around 20% right now it's even more appealing. I guess we can hop on a flight *to* the USA, and drive home. Apparently thats acceptable. /rolls eyes
reviving this thread....Plan there a "bush" route from Quebec into Vermont? Like some point of unserviced or unmonitored route to get into Vermont? Maybe like the way when those illegal hikers were coming into Canada? Can a motorcyclist go the other way? Need to get my bike out of Ontario and leave it in Florida for the winter.
Roxham Road is where many illegal crossers were coming in. I wouldn't advise it, though.
Roxham Rd
reviving this thread....Plan there a "bush" route from Quebec into Vermont? Like some point of unserviced or unmonitored route to get into Vermont? Maybe like the way when those illegal hikers were coming into Canada? Can a motorcyclist go the other way? Need to get my bike out of Ontario and leave it in Florida for the winter.
If the goal is to get the bike to Florida for the winter I’m pretty sure TFX international ships bikes. Won’t be cheap but it will get there.
Need to get my bike out of Ontario and leave it in Florida for the winter.
Why in the world would you want to go to Florida for the winter? With only about 50% of Americans vaccinated this winter is looking to be far worse than last winter. We wanted to head to Florida in late November, but have decided to hold off another year. And the CDC has the nerve to put a travel advisory for Americans coming to Canada!
Is walking across the border at Niagara Falls Rainbow Bridge permitted?

If so, which business can transport my motorcycle over the border?
I can't figger out exactly why you would want to do this??????
I would think it's cheaper to transport the bike a few blocks rather than across the entire country.
That still isn't crystal clear.
I still have absolutely no idea why you would want to try this??????
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