BMW tourer


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No way am i going over to the bmw side again.But i might take one out for a demo ride.[video=youtube;3U-_7p_jfi0][/video]
The audience is thinking to themselves "That's not safe! I'll tell him about the traction control!"
wow ABS on a bike is awesome. just imagine how many crashes it could've prevented if ABS was mandatory on bikes.

Except on Dual Sports and dirt bikes, thanks.
I had ABS on my VFR and I credit it with saving me from yet ANOTHER ugly crash with a deer that ran down the mountainside and in front of my bike, so on street bikes I whole heartedly endorse it.

Off road I'm in my fourth season mainly on a dual sport, so I can't speak about locking up the front, but locking up the back is useful in some situations. On an MX bike I'd hate to pay the weight penalty for having it on my bike.

Traction control on those BMW monsters is the bomb though, I did a demo ride on the BMWs1000r last year, and was sure I was going to get the front end airborne over a slight hill in the road, so I added throttle at the base to keep the front end light and high, but all I felt was the travel taken up and constant acceleration. On the BMWLT something or other (Huge Goldwing of a scooter thingy), I purposely rode over some gravel patches with the rear tire as I rolled on, and for the most part the TC kept it together very capably. Truth be told, I'd no idea how to turn the things off, as the BMW's have so many controls and gadgets, I thought I was going to fly myself into the ground until ILS took over. :D
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