BMW Toronto Winter Storage

Also, insurance.

There was a guy on here who stored bikes for GTAM members. Ended up damaging one of the bikes, never paid for repairs and continually ghosted the owner. Cheap prices, but I don't think he had insurance. With that kind of business model, one dropped bike can instantly take a huge chunk out of the profit margin.

Won't this be a great scam. Rent a warehouse, have great rates to drag in the suckers, pack it full of bikes where everyone has paid 4 - 5 months in advance. Tell everyone that the earliest pickup date is April 1. Shut your doors Dec. 1 and ship all the bikes to Russia, Africa or break them down for parts. Come April 1 everyone is looking for their bike and you have a 4 month head start on your escape. The perfect crime.
Won't this be a great scam. Rent a warehouse, have great rates to drag in the suckers, pack it full of bikes where everyone has paid 4 - 5 months in advance. Tell everyone that the earliest pickup date is April 1. Shut your doors Dec. 1 and ship all the bikes to Russia, Africa or break them down for parts. Come April 1 everyone is looking for their bike and you have a 4 month head start on your escape. The perfect crime.
It's been discussed before. I dont know of it happening locally Thankfully. If they wanted to maximize income at the expense of risk and had a big fleet of stored bikes, they could mix and match parts and sell some off in feb and march. The vins wont be hot until a month or two later. If owners see the ads they will think it looks sort of like their bike but not the same.
Won't this be a great scam. Rent a warehouse, have great rates to drag in the suckers, pack it full of bikes where everyone has paid 4 - 5 months in advance. Tell everyone that the earliest pickup date is April 1. Shut your doors Dec. 1 and ship all the bikes to Russia, Africa or break them down for parts. Come April 1 everyone is looking for their bike and you have a 4 month head start on your escape. The perfect crime.
Hence the fact that people are willing to pay to store somewhere that isn’t going to pack up and leave over the winter!
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