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And just a few more..
...I was going to ask the PO for them to see if he had them, but it took him more than 6 months to find his ownership, I didn't want to see how long it would have taken to find keys....he probably doesn't even know where they are, so this was an easier way to get them, I still might ask him if the keys I get are not the right ones...
The bags are made for BMW by Krauser. The majority of the keys for those bag series are NLA from BMW. However, the keys do come up for sale periodically through Ebay. If you desire originals, this is the most likely source. You could also try James Sherlock in the UK, who may have the key you're after.
The locks are coded with a number on the side of the latch. The keys are stamped with the same number. All Krauser/BMW keys have the outline; what differs is the placement and shape of the grooves on the side of the keys... I have had keys made for my set of bags by a local Toronto locksmith, who was able to match a similar key blank from his catalog to the lock. I supplied him with the existing key I had so that he could reference the shape and a bag so he could test the new keys. The turn-around time for a set of three custom made keys was one day and cost me the princely sum of $6.00 per key. The locksmith was Sure Locks Inc., 1045 Avenue Rd, Toronto, ON M5N 2C5. +1 416-486-5077
You might as well ask him for the keys. If your new keys work there's no harm and a large benefit in having a spare set. The keys are of no use to the OP.
Alright enough about the BMW. What about the Honda?
Soon, it will be time to try and start the beast.......I have however notice the inside of the gas tank is red, have not really looked at it that closely so I am not sure if that is the way it's supposed to be, or if it's full of rust, I hear the tanks are aluminum or should be so hopefully it's a coating and not rust......