Blue plated bike with off-road insurance only


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Does anyone have experience doing so? If so with which insurance or broker?

I hear contradicting answers from different brokers .....

I tried two years ago with State Farm and they told me if it's in the system as Road legal they have to insure it as such.

Someone told me to if I didn't renew my sticker they could, but State Farm refused.

If it's a legit road legal from the factory bike, just switch it to green plate. Someone posted here last week or the week before about how they switched it back to blue plate. Of course if it's an actual dirt bike that should have never been legal, then don't.
It seems to be hit and miss, as always with Ontario insurance.

Some brokers might say yes (have not found one) others will clearly outright say know .... so perhaps it's not illegal for them to do, but out of protecting their own *****, they will decline to do it for you.

For now, I am shopping for a better blue plated rate, because I am not giving the blue plate up .... that would be the very laaaast resort.
Kind of really easy for them to say no, especially if most will say the same ... why would they say yes to lower revenue, when there's a chance of squeezing much higher one out of you ... LOL ... Dealing with Ontario insurance is easily the biggest torn in my motorized *** since I settled here. Easily, by far!
And he has all your insurance business, or just this single bike?
If it's a legit road legal from the factory bike, just switch it to green plate. Someone posted here last week or the week before about how they switched it back to blue plate. Of course if it's an actual dirt bike that should have never been legal, then don't.

Unless it was blue plated prior to the ban on doing so. If that's the case DON'T SWITCH TO A GREEN PLATE, you won't be able to get a blue plate for it again.
Unless it was blue plated prior to the ban on doing so. If that's the case DON'T SWITCH TO A GREEN PLATE, you won't be able to get a blue plate for it again.

I know, I would not make that mistake, unless I have to pay unbearable costs to insure the blue plate.
Unless it was blue plated prior to the ban on doing so. If that's the case DON'T SWITCH TO A GREEN PLATE, you won't be able to get a blue plate for it again.

Oh for fucks sake. The ******* guy posted step by ******* step how he did it. It was a dual sport bike from the ******* factory since the ******* day it was sold. That was the ******* difference.

That is why I said if it was a straight up dirt bike that should never have technically been made blue plate, don't switch it.

I'm sick and tired of everyone jumping up and saying it's impossible. It is NOT!
Well actually, his point was valid in this case, because I don't think my bike was OEM street legal and it was somehow blue plated by the dealer after the loophole was closed ... but I hear you, people don't distinguish between the two cases.
Well actually, his point was valid in this case, because I don't think my bike was OEM street legal and it was somehow blue plated by the dealer after the loophole was closed ... but I hear you, people don't distinguish between the two cases.

The "rule" was supposed to have changed in 2007 but last year I bought 2009 WR450F that had been previously Blue Plated. I had no problem getting new Blue Plates for it and when I shopped around for Insurance, all the companies had the WR450F in their system. The insurance companies don't seem to have a problem with these bikes either.
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It did change, lets just say sometimes it's not really enforced ... LOL

Your last sense is inconclusive .... Insurance companies have no problem to insure blue plated dirt bikes with blue plated insurance (why would they??? More money into their jars with minimum exposure ... who rides blue plated dirt bike extensively on a road??) ... but the same insurance companies seem to have a problem to sell off-road insurance only to a blue plated dirt bike without converting the blue plate to green plate first ... that's what this is about.
Oh for ****s sake. The ****ing guy posted step by ****ing step how he did it. It was a dual sport bike from the ****ing factory since the ****ing day it was sold. That was the ****ing difference.

That is why I said if it was a straight up dirt bike that should never have technically been made blue plate, don't switch it.

I'm sick and tired of everyone jumping up and saying it's impossible. It is NOT!

Angry much?
Angry much?
That's a good day for Rob lol. Want to really ****** him off? Ask him when he's buying a big old cruiser.

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