Black Lives Matter - Sending the wrong message

it's not a racist statement, is just a bs statement made mostly by racists that are trying to minimize the importance of the issue of black americans being killed by white police officers. So saying alm doesn't make you a racist, but that statement is mostly made by racist people.

It's like saying the "n" word doesn't make you a racist, but the word is said mostly by racist people.

How do the BLM'ers reconcile these numbers, I'm curious..

Blacks make up 25% of those killed by police in the US, yet they make up 50% of murderers, 35% of gang members, 32% of rapists, and 55% of robbery suspects. I don't get it.. shouldn't they be happy about the low percentage being shot by police? Seems like a winning situation.
Apparently the stats on race aren't collected for police shootings up here.
The Star researched it and came up with 18 confirmed black men shot by Toronto police in 25 years. I'll be outside, protesting.. :lol:
The Star researched it and came up with 18 confirmed black men shot by Toronto police in 25 years. I'll be outside, protesting.. :lol:

depends on the shootings
If it was like what we see in the US recently then yes, we have a problem.
Also, we have cameras now and live streaming.
Would anyone have believed the victims if we did not have a video to see.
What about that Sammy Yatin kid.
Any right minded person saw that as straight up murder by professionals but some ppl justified the killing because he walked forward BUT still on the EMPTY streetcar holding a 4 inch pocket knife surrounded by cops with guns (no tasers).

That kids asked ppl for help, to call his dad, he knew something was wrong with him and he did his part to try to help himself yet the TTC person did nothing to help him or the other ppl (from my understanding). Instead he was trapped in a literal cage surrounded my numerous cops...and he was gunned down. WTF?

This city was lucky it did not burn, because in other places they sure as hell would have.
G20 is on a whole different level due to the professional agitators involved.

Any of the sheep who follow along in those types of situations, are just being led to the slaughterhouse, for the agitators' gain.

Here's a BLM protest video, where something different actually happens.

Absolutely agree, and the practice of professional agitation has a long history. It's good to see the people in that video cutting through the BS

Absolutely agree, and the practice of professional agitation has a long history. It's good to see the people in that video cutting through the BS


simple and good video

I will add this as an fyi...
An Irishman's life was worth LESS than a black you ask.
When the cotton turbine thingy would get jammed they would give the Irish guy alcohol to clear it because they could not risk a black slave dying whilst trying to free the machine. The slave had a higher $ value than the Irish guy.

If any of you ride through South Carolina, please stop and the market and look towards the water. Go into the slave holdings buildings which is now a collection of vendors.

You can see and feel a very weird vibe. You can envision a kid/woman/man chains dragging across the same 'streets' standing there being as families are split up and sold off. It's a very surreal thing.
You couldn't make this **** up lol

According to ‘Black Lives Matter’ organizer Ashleigh Shackelford, white people aren’t welcome at Black Lives Matter rallies and instead should just hand over “reparations” to black people so that they can purchase new cellphones and laptops.

In an article for ‘Wear Your Voice’, an “intersectional feminist media” outlet, Shackelford says that she finds the presence of white people at Black Lives Matter rallies “triggering,” and that black people are “frightened” by whites, adding that their roles should be confined to acting as human “buffers against the police”.

“Why are you going to a protest when you’re the oppressor?” asks Shackelford, adding, “WHITE PEOPLE ARE KILLING US. So when I see white people show up to rally excited and smiling, ready to march like it’s a hobby — I’m disgusted and absolutely ****ing livid….I’m ready to fight.”

Decrying the fact that white people are promoting a message of love and unity in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Shackelford complains that, “White people are 400 years too ****ing late for a round of applause for a damn tweet with a hashtag, or for showing up to a damn rally.”

“**** YOU. PAY ME. Pay me a check, pay me consistently, provide me safe housing, offer me a job with benefits, run me those Beyonce tickets, finance my clothes and wigs and aesthetics, cultivate accessibility to spaces and provide seats that fit me, see and validate my humanity,” she demands.

rofl.. if this is the kind of loony-toon organizer heading up BLM groups, they'll be a terrorist organization in no time..
Shill? Best way to bring down a movement is from within. People of any colour are easily misguided when the issues so emotionally charged; doesn't take much to lead them to their own demise
Until you read Twitter and realize how many of these BLM morons actually agree with what she has to say.
Until you read Twitter and realize how many of these BLM morons actually agree with what she has to say.

just like every other 'movement' and causes...e.g. gun crowd and Nazis
nutters come in all shapes, sizes, and colors
I think its her thats been sending me emails about a deceased relative i have in kenya that left me $10,000,000. I wonder hows she making out with blm in kenya?? Libs have these professionals on speed dial, if you go to the c-16 thread, shes the one thats all bent about something in the vids. Mind Numbing!!!

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