Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Telus called me today to try to get me to switch. ~$52/month/phone for 100G data, unlimited canada minutes, Voicemail 10. I have 100G of shared data now, that would give me even more data I don't need. I want lower bills not more useless data.
I’ve been with TELUS since the clearnet days….those effers have never called me with such a steal.
My dad got me a new phone plan through his retiree Enbridge phone deals, 25g/month for $40 bucks/month and a new Iphone. As well as $400 in pre paid visa gift cards. Great deal. Parents got new Samsungs and $350 each in gift cards at same $40/month plan. The phones are free after the 2 years as well, don't have to buy them out.
Old plan was $48/month for something like 1 or 2 gigs.
My dad got me a new phone plan through his retiree Enbridge phone deals, 25g/month for $40 bucks/month and a new Iphone. As well as $400 in pre paid visa gift cards. Great deal. Parents got new Samsungs and $350 each in gift cards at same $40/month plan. The phones are free after the 2 years as well, don't have to buy them out.
Old plan was $48/month for something like 1 or 2 gigs.
Hey dad…it’s me…your long lost son.

Hook a kid up!
I tried to buy some new gear on Black Friday. They didn't have it. Called on cyberMonday and was on hold for a long time. Then someone was to call be back before 6pm. Didn't happen. Talked to the guy this morning and he says he'll honour their "save the tax deal".
Overall I don't see the point. Offer crazy deals, get overwhelmed with buyers to the point you can't service them adequately and have a bunch of disappointed customers. Yeah, let's do that again next year.
Speak of the devil…Telus rep just showed up at the door with a deal of a lifetime. LoL

Good thing I’m busy with my kids.
Telus called me yesterday too with a similar deal as Greyghost. I told them I’m good with what I have, but I could use a new phone and asked what they could do for me.
“Um, we could add a line for 35 a month. Does anyone in your family need a phone?”

“Uh no, but I could use a new phone “

“Um how about home security? We have a great deal right now”

“Nope. We’re good for security. A new phone would be great tho. Anything?”

“Are you happy with your internet service? We are currently offering XX mb/s for $XX.

“Well, I guess we’re done here. Thx for calling.”

Utterly useless.
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