Black Cat's King of the Street Series

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Just a couple of posts I read.....thought id call people out on them and break some balls..... Not to much dont wanna get kicked out AGAIN
hey about a friendly bet

i got 20$ says you dont qualify number one at the first event??

(like i said,friendly bet)
Id bet 100 bucks we dont see a 1000 on the poll at any of the races. Not talkin smack just stating and **** I have a 1K.. If two guys with money took this class head on max effort with a 1000 and one with a 1400+....There is no way in hell that the 1000 will come anywhere close.....Im not talking a stretched bike with a few bolt ons, im talkin a 35K plus, max effort deal... cant happen!! You Mike know that better then I.
You see Mark the thing here is your kinda of right but answer me this when was the last time you saw any busa or zx 14 run 8s on the motor.
You got lots of work ahead of you

I ain't even running a bike. Remember my Gsxr is old...

But I'll be there every event with my friends

Watching them walk over the BMW. Lol

One twenty dollar bill , two tens, four fives... No matter to me

Just pay the man. Lol
Lol.... Its nice to live in dream land. The only thing you'll be watching is gonna be all your buddys scratching their heads
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Lol....good cause the winner at the end of the year also gets a killer jacket that will say king of the street
That reminds me I better go get measures up for it now..its gonna be a great summer with all this trash talking
Thank god it's a jacket and not a hat

Because with a head/ego that big the hat would cost a fortune.

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