Bill C-11 - Canadian version of SOPA/PIPA/DCMA


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coming soon, the Harper Government will be making it harder for you to use your own media

you can go straight to signing the letter to your MP at

This is more than just downloading music and tv shows (which we are already taxed on for that)... it's the right to use your purchased how you want. The right to unlock the cell phone that you paid for.

under this bill all this would be illegal and you would still be taxed.

Heritage Minister James Moore has indicated that once Bill C-11 reaches the committee stage, witnesses who appeared before the old C-32 committee will not be heard from again. This despite that fact that there is a new Industry Minister on this portfolio. This move coupled by Moore’s confirmation that the committee will be meeting for extended hours each week and the fact that appeasing the United States has emerged as a bigger Conservative priority than making good on their promise to scrap the wasteful long gun registry.

The government should represent US, not americans or the american government.
They tried this years ago and the bill fell by the way-side. I've sent a letter to my MP, now to see if she listens.

That's the real problem. They'll keep trying until they catch us off-guard an slip something like that past us. Our freedom and privacy are dying a death of a thousand cuts and we're the only ones who can prevent that by standing up for them. We don't wanna turn Canada into a country like the UK, China, the US or Iran where the government is always up your rectum and looking over everything you do.
Talk about the 51st state...
Sent letter! WTH!!! sooo many more important bills to be considered beside this one. Just goes to show where the Gov'ts priorities are! Shameful really.
yea no more boarder crossing grief, daytona here i come

Why is it when your internet freedoms seem to be at stake people do something.
But when they de-value our dollar, go to war for oil and run enormous debts that no one cares?
My MP's response to that form letter:

Thank you for contacting our office with your concerns regarding the Investigating and Preventing Criminal Electronic Communications Act. We appreciate you taking the time to share your views with us.

Our Government is strongly committed to ensuring that Canadians’ rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are respected. The new lawful access tools proposed in our legislation will not derogate from existing safeguards and privacy protections. The need to respect a person's reasonable expectation of privacy, as protected under the Charter, always guides law reform.

In addition, such authority will continue to be exercised bearing in mind privacy rights under other legislation, such as the Privacy Act and the Personal information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

The Police will still be required to obtain judicial authorizations in order to obtain information under our legislation. None of the lawful access tools in this legislation will reduce existing privacy safeguards such as warrants, court orders, and other judicial authorizations.

Law enforcement agencies cannot intercept private communications or obtain transmission data without being authorized to do so by law. The investigative tools created in this legislation preserve existing safeguards, such as requirements for warrants, court authorizations or other lawful authority to target specified communications. These investigative tools are time-limited, and nothing put forward in the proposed legislation would reduce the existing safeguards. Notably, the legislation will also enhance privacy protections in the current tracking warrant provisions.

We trust you find this information helpful. Again, thank you for taking the time to write and please do not hesitate to do so in the future.

Kindest regards,

Lois Brown, M.P.,
Why is it when your internet freedoms seem to be at stake people do something.
But when they de-value our dollar, go to war for oil and run enormous debts that no one cares?

That's not true...they tried to separate Don Cherry and Ron McLean, Canadians went ape****! We care about stuff.

Cruisngrrl, if it wasn't for your posts I wouldn't let any political news in my day. Thanks yer a doll :D
That's not true...they tried to separate Don Cherry and Ron McLean, Canadians went ape****! We care about stuff.

Cruisngrrl, if it wasn't for your posts I wouldn't let any political news in my day. Thanks yer a doll :D

hahahaha +1
Why is it when your internet freedoms seem to be at stake people do something.
But when they de-value our dollar, go to war for oil and run enormous debts that no one cares?

Thats a pretty BOLD and generalized statement. Just for that I'm not going to care or do anything now!!!! does that make you feel better? :p
Why is it when your internet freedoms seem to be at stake people do something.
But when they de-value our dollar, go to war for oil and run enormous debts that no one cares?

Youtube strikes again!
My MP's response to that form letter:

Thank you for contacting our office with your concerns regarding the Investigating and Preventing Criminal Electronic Communications Act. We appreciate you taking the time to share your views with us.

Our Government is strongly committed to ensuring that Canadians’ rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are respected. The new lawful access tools proposed in our legislation will not derogate from existing safeguards and privacy protections. The need to respect a person's reasonable expectation of privacy, as protected under the Charter, always guides law reform.

In addition, such authority will continue to be exercised bearing in mind privacy rights under other legislation, such as the Privacy Act and the Personal information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

The Police will still be required to obtain judicial authorizations in order to obtain information under our legislation. None of the lawful access tools in this legislation will reduce existing privacy safeguards such as warrants, court orders, and other judicial authorizations.

Law enforcement agencies cannot intercept private communications or obtain transmission data without being authorized to do so by law. The investigative tools created in this legislation preserve existing safeguards, such as requirements for warrants, court authorizations or other lawful authority to target specified communications. These investigative tools are time-limited, and nothing put forward in the proposed legislation would reduce the existing safeguards. Notably, the legislation will also enhance privacy protections in the current tracking warrant provisions.

We trust you find this information helpful. Again, thank you for taking the time to write and please do not hesitate to do so in the future.

Kindest regards,

Lois Brown, M.P.,

Mine never responded, yours seems to be blowing smoke.
ACTA, SOPA, PICA, PIPA, C-11 - they all represent the severe increase of Internet costs, a severe increase in taxation required for the enforcement efforts and a severe and possibly tyrannical decrease in our freedom to speak. I am 100% against each and all of these acts.
Why is it when your internet freedoms seem to be at stake people do something.
But when they de-value our dollar, go to war for oil and run enormous debts that no one cares?

Because we're lazy, sheep-like and comfortable. And we've been carefully coached that this is the only way worth living.
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