Bikes you want to try

A real snotty old Kawi 2 stroke triple.
Road an H2 triple for years, real snotty and a handful to ride due to neanderthal frame and suspension.

My late model pedestrian Vstrom is way faster, just void of the squirrelly thrills an H2 can deliver.
Guy in Conestogo near me has a pair of Boss Hoss trikes in his driveway. Not crazy about the trike, but i wouldn't mind putting down some rubber with a Boss Hoss sometime.
Goldwing with a heated seat while I listen to Born to Be Wild
I know Harley guys have a theme song ( AC/DC THUNDERSTRUCK )

Is that the goldwing anthem?
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To add to my list (because I haven't had a chance to even sit on these):

Something ludicrously out there: Ural
Something stupidly fun: GSXR1000 (unless the Busa fills this category)
A BIG Harley

I'm sure there are others out there, and as I read others lists...I find myself wanting something I'd love to try.
Bimota Tesi H2.


I love it when engineers try to do something different. I always wonder how it would perform/handle compared to the way all other manufacturers do it. We're in an age where the only thing that separates motorcycles from different companies from each other are the plastics and the badging.


Bimota was the only company to put HCS in a production motorcycle. I really wanted to get one when the Tesi 3D first came out.

Saw a RaceCafe version on my travels. The only Tesi I've ever seen in person:


Heavily modified...
Would try my friend's Douglas if he ever puts it back together.
Other than that maybe bikes similar to mine with more horsepower, which I don't need.
I tried the Yamaha and it was meh.
Maybe the Ducati or MV Agusta would stir my blood.
Not in any particular order but if I were shopping, it would probably be one of the sub 1000cc bikes.

R1 - I "learned" on one years and years ago. Wanna see if its still scary
Super duke
Daytona 675
Street triple 675
Speed Twin - I like the look but not sure if it would be my kind of jam
Ducati 959/V2
New Monster
Vitpilen 701
RS660 - Most intrigued to try as a natural step up to my current bike

TBH I really want a whirl on whatever bike is available
Had a chance to try a VMax recently. It is on the list. I passed. Unfamiliar roads, shot tires and high hp are a bad combination.
Maybe just me but I cant get past those oversized air intakes.
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