"Biker" or "a guy who rides" | Page 2 | GTAMotorcycle.com

"Biker" or "a guy who rides"

Personally, I ride in the rain because of the simple fact that... I like riding in the rain.

If others don't like riding in the rain, so be it, they're not any less of a rider, likely have more skill than I do? It's kinda like telling a guy he's not a man for having the heat turned on in his car during the winter. Another odd quirk, I actually like riding in traffic too, I see it as a challenge, to get from point A to point B in the same time as usual, but with heavy traffic, not unlike the rain, controlling the throttle so the rear tire slips a bit, but not too much, etc ...

TLDR; This is a pointless argument.
I had been called a "real biker" once by a guy at work because i had been riding on weather and temperatures where most riders wouldnt ride. What he meant didnt really matter to me, I ride most of the time because i feel like it. Not for trophy's, compliment, category or definition. Just ride and dont worry about labels.
Personally, I ride in the rain because of the simple fact that... I like riding in the rain.

If others don't like riding in the rain, so be it, they're not any less of a rider, likely have more skill than I do? It's kinda like telling a guy he's not a man for having the heat turned on in his car during the winter. Another odd quirk, I actually like riding in traffic too, I see it as a challenge, to get from point A to point B in the same time as usual, but with heavy traffic, not unlike the rain, controlling the throttle so the rear tire slips a bit, but not too much, etc ...

TLDR; This is a pointless argument.

+10 for the challenge!
In my opinion:
"Biker" = Someone that is unnecessarily "hardcore" and think he is awesome because of how bad *** he is/seems. Generally associated with the Harley image but there are sport/supersport riders that fit in here. There are also bikers that are actually riders and many that are also just posers (see below).
"Rider" = Someone that rides whatever and whenever they feel like because they enjoy it. This includes those that ride in crappy weather and those that don't. Those that do probably just enjoy it that little bit more to make them risk the poorer traction of bad weather for the chance to be out on their bikes.
"Poser" = Someone that rides because they think it makes them cool or look cool. Doesn't matter how often they ride or what kind of conditions, just the reason. Generally these people will only ride to some local hang out spot, chill for a bit, then go home. Anyone afraid to get their bike dirty because then they would be "forced" to clean it (because it might break down or something if it has some dirt on it or something I guess) generally fall into this category as well.

I'd say I'm a rider. Definitely not a biker since I don't think I'm bad *** in any way. Don't think I could be considered a poser since I crashed my bike the first day I got it 2 years ago, still haven't fully fixed it, did some work and never put all the fairings back together because I'd rather just ride it, have never washed it, and most of the time feel like I must look like a tool to everyone else since I wear a lot of Power Ranger type gear. But I don't like rain and snow because I guess I'm too much of a wuss and I'm afraid of bad traction after a few close calls and a spill in the rain.
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In my opinion:
"Biker" = Someone that is unnecessarily "hardcore" and think he is awesome because of how bad *** he is/seems. Generally associated with the Harley image but there are sport/supersport riders that fit in here. There are also bikers that are actually riders and many that are also just posers (see below).
"Rider" = Someone that rides whatever and whenever they feel like because they enjoy it. This includes those that ride in crappy weather and those that don't. Those that do probably just enjoy it that little bit more to make them risk the poorer traction of bad weather for the chance to be out on their bikes.
"Poser" = Someone that rides because they think it makes them cool or look cool. Doesn't matter how often they ride or what kind of conditions, just the reason. Generally these people will only ride to some local hang out spot, chill for a bit, then go home. Anyone afraid to get their bike dirty because then they would be "forced" to clean it (because it might break down or something if it has some dirt on it or something I guess) generally fall into this category as well.

I'd say I'm a rider. Definitely not a biker since I don't think I'm bad *** in any way. Don't think I could be considered a poser since I crashed my bike the first day I got it 2 years ago, still haven't fully fixed it, did some work and never put all the fairings back together because I'd rather just ride it, have never washed it, and most of the time feel like I must look like a tool to everyone else since I wear a lot of Power Ranger type gear. But I don't like rain and snow because I guess I'm too much of a wuss and I'm afraid of bad traction after a few close calls and a spill in the rain.

so the fact that you dropped your bike automatically gets you labeled as a rider ?
The FAQ at http://boozefighters.ca/faq.html answered your question:

Q: What is the difference between “bikers” I see at the local dealership and an M/C ?

A: Most “bikers” you see today are NOT BIKERS AT ALL ! (instant bikers at best) the guys you see tooling around are usually just “riders”. They consist of yuppies and rubs that enjoy riding 1 hour on the weekend to get a beer at the local bar and show off their squeaky clean bike that they just spent 4 hours polishing on, usually a twin cam that looks like all the others in the parking lot, except for the overpriced factory paint and costly dealer installed chrome. Hell,they might even ride to the local Harley Dealer where they financed their brand new leathers and twin cam to get 10% off a t-shirt with the dealer logo or a leather jacket with a stupid lookin’ orange stripe. Maybe a free hot dog & soft drink (They should get something free after paying 125$ for an oil change) They think because they ride a HD, they are a biker. But wait, there’s more !
"Biker" - often to me, means the more shady guys, ot the guys who like Chrome and leather..
"Motorcyclist" - to me, means, the motorcycling enthusiast in general

I hate labels, but my understanding is that the term "biker" has evolved into the narrow meaning describing the riders that either are, or look like, bad boys and are wearing pirate suits and riding cruisers. In most cases it is more about the image than actually riding a lot. I suspect most "bikers' don't ride much in rain.

Posers are riders that only ride motorcycles to the local coffee shops. Posers are closely related to "Bikers" and there is some overlap, but posers don't need to have Cruisers. They could ride any kind of bike and are more interested in impressing other people than actualy riding the bike.

Riders are people that ride motorcycles.

I ride (a lot!) in almost any condition (I usually draw the line at snow on the road) but that's my choice and I really don't worry about what others do, unless they happen to be riding with me. Everyone has their own idea as to how they enjoy their bike and there is nothing wrong with that.


well sai... err typed.
Double agree

Cheers to that my friend! I love all bikes. I remember when I first started riding and didn't know anything, the sport bike guys I used to ride with would hit up the harley guys. But I met some harley guys on the road, and some of them are the nicest people I've ever met! I was such a newb back then, when they invited me for a ride, I was like "you don't mind what kind of bike I ride?" And they responded with "two wheels is two wheels. We all face the same dangers, doesn't matter what you ride". Probably the wisest words of wisdom from a biker lol. I had a CBR125 my first year, and now I have a ZZR250 converted to a streetfighter. Sport bike guys would always ask me if I'm going to put the fairings back on, because it'll look better. I actually like the streetfighter look! So I'm going to keep it that way. Those same guys also ask me when am I going to get a big girl's bike?

Anyway to answer your question, I think a rider is someone who just loves riding on two wheels - no matter what they ride. Someone who's not just into this for the image. I put over 10,000km a season on my bike and ride for hours around the circuit. I wouldn't ride in the rain only because I'm putting myself in more danger than I need to. I rode in the cold because those were the weekends I visited home and I didn't want to miss out on riding. Came back to work sick after every weekend I went home lol.


Just ride and dont worry about labels.


I think everyone is on the same page with this one..
As for riding in the rain, if you like it go for it, I don't enjoy it as much as a nice day and if it's coming down I'm most likely not going to go out for a ride, but if/I need to get somewhere I will. - I just bought some rain pants actually as it's going to be a wet weekend and I have plans.(My bike is also my only vehicle.)
I am a 66 year old guy who rides. I probably ride more than most "Bikers." I have seen very very few "Bikers" on my rides, and most of those have been hanging out at bars and roadhouses along the road.

I rarely see "Bikers" on the back roads where all the riding is so peaceful, where the evening brings the smells of the sweet grasses and the mist of the forests. "Bikers" don't seem to ride much. They seem to pose a lot. They polish their stuff a lot and they spend a lot of $$ to be the best "Bikers" they can be. They seem to love their "Brothers" in the clubs they nelong to. They have nice expensive leather jackets often with their club colors attached. Everyone of them seems to be a "Ride Captain" or "Rear Gunner" (I shudder at the thought of that!!) and sometimes some other special title. I have never met a "rider" with any of that stuff.

I have a lot of ignorant acquaintances who think I am a "Biker" because I have a bike. They even refer to me as a "Biker" - especially the guys in the service club I am a member of. I let it pass. I work with them on charitable causes - don't think I'd like to ride with any of 'em.

I like to ride all day. I don't like riding past dusk, because all my riding is in the country/mountains/and back roads. No way you can avoid a deer at night and I want to ride tomorrow too. Deer whistles don't work! Period. Deer are meant to be out at night frolicking in the woods and playing chicken with cars. Riders are meant to be poking a fire, sipping a beer and telling stories of their rides and maybe the deer they missed. Riders are up early - they like a Diner breakfast of ham, eggs etc. Some even like to go outside the Diner for a smoke (As Far as possible outside!) But before the fog has completely cleared from the hill tops, they are on the road again - doing what they love to do... riding.

Just my $20.00 bucks worth. You get dick for 2 cents these days.

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