Well-known member
Supercross: The movie, was like the dirt bike version... Horrible acting, the sounds of the bikes was off, plot sucked... But had a few cute girls, and some back flips which were just new when that movie came out.
I HATED kid rock when he first came out, but in the last couple of years I found out I am actually a fan, even the stuff I used to hate... Go figure! Except "picture" I'll never like that songkid rock? lol! damn my ring tone is one of his bada** rock/rap songs...
I HATED kid rock when he first came out, but in the last couple of years I found out I am actually a fan, even the stuff I used to hate... Go figure! Except "picture" I'll never like that song
I can't figure out what's cheesier between biker boyz and torque...but the end scene with the chopper in Torque that goes 23948209348092384092834 kph is pretty hard to beat