Bike Stands

From my personal experience, I had a pair of the yellow "bendy" stands and got rid of them after the first time I used them. Here is why:

Rear yellow stand: Once the bike was lifted on the spools, the bike's weight was only marginally past the tipping point. If a bird sat on my seat while on the stands, I'd imagine the bike would flop forwards and tip over. I just didn't feel confident leaving my bike unattended while on this stand. It wasn't solid enough to use any sort of elbow grease while washing the bike without have it wobble from side to side.

Front yellow stand: It is just a bad design. There are two screws that thread into the stand that are supposed to support the bikes weight on the screws that mate with the base of your fork. Also, there is no easy way, or GOOD way to get any leverage with the stands as they mate with the bottom on the fork.

If you like the stands, all the power to you, but, I went for the following style. The rear stand has adjustable spool supports and the front stand mates with the steering stem. Very solid. I'm not saying the yellow ones don't work, but, I much prefer the following style:

Thanks for all the advice everyone. Being a newbie I'll probably end up at the moto shop and get talked into Pitbull stands and pay way more money than I have. I'll see what else they offer. That bike is tiiiiiiiight.
I have a pair of the two piece bike stand for front / rear I can sell for 50 dollars. I have used them on my CBR 1000RR and also Yamaha R6. I know own an MV so I had to buy a pitbull single arm for the rear but still use the front red stand. PM me if you are interested.
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